meeting her friends

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Annabeths parents meet Percy, Thalia and Piper and Annabeth isn't to sure that things are going to end well.


Annabeth paced around her living room as negative scenarios swirled around in her mind. She didnt like that she was so nervous. Maybe she should call the whole thing off. But than again, her friends were already on their way and it was too late to back out now.

"This was a bad idea, a very bad idea." Annabeth says to herself.

She regretted making the plan and firmly blamed Thalia. At first only she was suppose to come over. It was a long weekend and it just so happened that Artemis decided to let the hunters off for a day or two. Annabeth called dibs on spending the whole day with Thalia but for whatever reason Thalia wasn't too comfortable being around Annabeth father. Why? Thalia had said it was something about the way he always seemed to not like her as much, seemingly because of her punk rock ways. Thalia then decided that why not bring another punk rocker into the mix. Hence, Percy. Piper was tagging along too which maybe might lighten the mood. Hopefully.

Annabeth was nervous, specially about Percy. The last time her father had seen Percy was when Percy was fourteen. And that were Jacksons innocent days when he didn't swear, didn't have tattoos or piercings and didn't wear at lest one item of clothing with a rip in it.

She guessed her main source of worry was whether her father would approve of Percy or not. She didn't understand why she cared so much since she would date Percy no matter what her parents though. She was wisdoms daughter after all, she should be able to make responsible decisions. And her family should know this.

So now she was going to be spending the day with her two traditional folks, a punk boyfriend, a punk best friend and a hipster with a way with words. Awesome.

Annabeth didn't know how long she spent waiting but the moment the bell rang she lurched herself towards the door before anyone else could come close to it. She smiles awkwardly at her step mom who gives her a concerned look before opening the door.

Annabeth doesn't get to see much of anything as Piper attacks Annabeth with a bear hug. Annabeth smiles as Pipers arms wrap themselves around her arms. "I missed you!" Piper says, refusing to let go of her blonde friend.

"Yea, well," comes another female voice. Annabeth smiles as Thalia walks forward, sending Piper a questioning glance. "I haven't seen her for more than a year so..."

"Oh, yes, sorry." Piper steps back allowing Thalia to come forward and pull her closest friend into a hug. When she pulls away she looks into the living lounge where Annabeths whole family resided.

"Hi." Thalia waves awkwardly.

"You're pretty!" Matthew compliments .

Thalia narrows her eyes. "Sorry. Strict restrictions against boys."

"Oh, darn!" He says sarcastically before winking at Thalia who looked like she was thinking of ways to murder the boy without being detected.

Annabeth looks out the door and was slightly unserved when she doesn't see Percy standing outside.

"Hey guys, where's Percy?" She asks, turning away from the door.

"Turn around and you'll see!" Annabeth is suddenly lifted off the ground as Percy hugs her from behind. Percy presses a kiss onto her shoulder causing Annabeth to blush as she realizes that her family was most likely watching.

"Percy! Put me down or I swear to the gods—" she laughs as Percy drops her immediately. She turns around and in excitement jumps onto her boyfriend. You couldn't technically blame her, she hadn't seen her Seaweed Brain in person for a few months and that was not okay with her.

Punk!Percy and Girly!Annabeth One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now