Ask Franks

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From: Anonymous

Question: A guy I've liked for years just dumped me. He played with my feelings, faking his love for me, then brought me on a 'date' just to dump me in front of his friends. I was so stupid for falling for him, and I can't stop hating myself and loving him.

Advice: Well, first, you need to stop loathing yourself. You did nothing wrong, everyone is going to love someone in their lives whether it be a good person or bad. Give yourself three days to cry, eat anything, revel in what happened. But do not dare mentally abuse yourself. Do not call yourself stupid, idiotic, naive etc. Don't. On the fourth day, get up, and take a nice, hot shower without looking in your mirror. Once done, put on some nice clothes, do your hair nice. Now tell yourself you're beautiful, and stick to that. Mean it. Now for the loving him part. Get rid of everything that reminds you of him. Every single detail. Chuck it all. When you see him on the street or out somewhere, look away, compel yourself from him. Don't think about him, occupy your mind with things to think about, occupy your body with things to do, keep busy. Find flaws in him you hate but may have overlooked. Now, once your over him and sure of it; Face him. Face him like he is your fear, face him like you're determined to defeat that fear. Then walk away. Thanks for your question!


From: Anonymous

Question: I met this guy on an online game, we talked and texted for almost a week and he says he loves me! I have no feelings for him, but he is so clingy, I have no clue how to tell him I don't like him back. Please, I'm desperate.

Advice: Well, I just went through something exactly like this just last month.

1) Be blunt. Give him the total, raw truth.

2) Do not say 'sorry' in any of your messages to him. Ever. He will take this as you softening up and will try again and again. Trust me. Now, if he doesn't stop...

3) Block him. Block him from everything he can use to contact you. Games, social networks; Everything.

This worked with me, hope it works with you! Thanks for your question!


From: Anonymous

Question: I have a HUGE crush on a guy that my friend likes too. I'm scared to tell both of them, becuase either she will hate me, or he will get some other girl to be his girlfriend! I liked him FIRST! What in fries name should I do!?

Advice: Well, you seem to be in quite the pickle. You liked him first, right? So tell her. Ask her how much she likes him. If she is overly in 'love' with him, then it's really not worth it for either of you honestly. But if she doesn't like him as much, tell her that you like him too. Honestly, if you honor your guys' friendship, he's not worth the pain and loss. No guy is. Remember; Sisters before Misters. Thanks for your question!


From: Anonymous

Question: My best friend asked me to come on a summer trip to Paris, but my boyfriend already asked me to accompany him to his grandparents beach house at the same time. I haven't said yes or no to one yet, but I'm so troubled! I'm on the verge of losing my marbles!

Advice: Wow. Well, it actually depends on which you want to do more. Do you want to spend the Summer with your bestie? Or your boyfriend? Also, if you need more help choosing, choose the one you've spent the least time with. Happy choosing! Thanks for your question!


From: Anonymous

Question: I've been dating this really nice guy, but I also have a kind of 'no strings attatched' relationship with another guy. They found out about each other, and now they asked me to choose one of them. How do I choose one guy, when I like them both?

Advice: Well, which one do you like most? You can't love two people equally, you will always want to give more of your heart to one person and not the other. Close your eyes, and think of one at a time, which one do you smile most with? Which one gets your heart pounding faster? Which one makes you feel almost drugged after just a short kiss? Pick that one. Pick the one you love. Thanks for your question!


From: Anonymous

Question: What do you do when your mom doesn't approve of your boyfriend? I know I could leave him, but I've fallen deeply in love with him.

Advice: Talk to your mother. Sit her down and explain how you feel, and how you'd feel if he and you broke up. Tell her the good things about him, the nice things he does. And just ask her to give him a chance, not for her or him, but for you; her daughter. Thanks for your question!


From: Anonymous

Question: How do I deal with hate? Lots of people hate on my stories and me. I've deleted all my stories, and now I just sulk in my bed, watching GOT and other addicting shows.

Advice: First off, I feel bad for you. I know how you feel, I've been through it. What you need to do is

1) Write for yourself and only yourself.

2) Chew the words, but don't swallow them. Don't let the venom get to your heart. And of course..

3) Delete! Delete or report the comment if it's really inappropriate. Always remember, haters are just fans in disguise. I mean, why read all your chapters if they aren't good?


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