Chapter 1 - Meet Tristan

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What if I was to tell you, that over a thousand years ago there were dragons? Dragons that roamed the earth freely. Great fire breathing beasts that could kill a man with one blast. What if all these stories people told, were real? What if the days have begun? The beginning of the new era of dragons!

Tristan Haddock was a young boy born in 1946. Life was boring in Denmark. Nothing but a few trees and roads. This small country was one that rains nine months of the year and hails the other three. Sometimes so cold it could give you frost bite in places you didn't even know you had. Poor Tristan was one of the boys who had one of those names that weren't that amazing but still it wasn't the worst. Sometimes he would come across people with names he wouldn't even dare speak. Why his parents named him this has always been a mystery but in Sweden it's know that if you have an odd name it will frighten off gnomes and trolls hiding in the mountains.

Tristan was an odd fellow, he enjoyed books. Although he never managed to open one specific one his grandfather gave him before he died. The old looking book that looks like it could be blown away with a single breath is locked and needs to be opened by a key. He never received the key. All he remembers is that when his grandfather gave him the book he said, "You will be able to open it when it's time." Tristan always questioned this sentence. What.....was his grandfather a future teller? How was his grandfather supposed to know he would just find the key at the right time? Tristan forgot about the book after a while and kept it under his bed to keep it out of the way.

Tristan just turned sixteen. He didn't get much for his birthday. All he got was a good dinner feast. He didn't mind though, he didn't really celebrate his birthday anyway. Tomorrow was the first day of school. He was not happy about that. Tristan was an extremely smart boy who could easily look beyond problems and find ways to solve them, therefore he found school exceptionally easy. Although he had no friends, everyone looked at him as the freak. The kid obsessed with dragons, or more like obsessed with all mythical creatures. The freak who believes they actually existed. When Tristan found out this is why no one liked him he kept the part that he also believed in magic to himself. Although he knew no one liked him, tomorrow would be a new day. He was attending a new school. He had a chance to fit in for once, so he made himself a promise. No talking about dragons or magic or anything else like that.

The day came. The urban haired boy stared at the school that looked practically like a prison. His green eyes focused at the black bars caging the school. There was even barbwire at the top which made him question. Were they trying to keep people in or out? He was about to turn around and walk home thinking that his life was over when he saw a blonde girl walk down the lane and into the school. What he saw was unbelievable to him. The girl had bright blue eyes with golden hair that shined in the sunlight. Her hair was in a braid at the back with a fringe. She wore a long sleeved blue top with a skirt that went just past her knees with stockings. The one thing he did notice though was that she wore ug-boots. That was odd, most people only wear them at home but whatever. Tristan thought she was beautiful either way. He decided he would give the new school a chance and just deal with it for a day. He approached the school and walked past the tall black bars securing it. He walked towards the lockers where he slipped on some black ice and landed on someone.

"Oh, I am so, so sorry, please..." He began helping the girl up to have his words stopped staring into bright blue eyes.

"No, no it's my fault. Don't worry about it." She responded picking up here satchel. Tristan tried to speak but he couldn't find the words. "I'm sorry, are you new here? I don't think I've seen you before." She said as Tristan just noticed she was actually talking to him.

"Oh, no I'm new here. My names Tristan." He said greeting her awkwardly.

"Cool, I'm..." She began as her friend called her over.

"Hey! Alice!" She said running across the stone court to her and Tristan.

"Yeah, that's me, Alice Hofferson." She finished as Tristan couldn't stop staring at her. He tried to avoid eye contact.

"Oh, nice to meet you." He said trying to stop the awkwardness.

"Hey, you should hang out with us. Your going to need some friends right?" She offered kindly. "Come on let me introduce you to some people."

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