'v im getting u a bf'

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Carly's point of view;

We finish class and I'm exhausted. The choreo this year is pretty tough but i can totally handle it. I just cant get that guy out of my head. I mean hes totally Beckett Bradstreet. He has to be. I'm about to pass out from exhaustion when miss Helswheel say that she has an important announcment. 

We all go to the front to listen . ' As you all know we have our annual back to school dance tonight, organised by our student body president Miss Maslany and it is compulsory for everyone to attend,I expect you all there if you are not present there will be consequences. That will be all' she says and walks out .

'Ugh i really dont wanna go this year.Its gonna be so boring' V says . 'yeah and every year we never have dates and just stand on the sides during all couple dances' Jenna replies. 'Guy noo you have to come' i say. V says shes not interested  going to a dance and would rather stay home and practice todays choreo. IS SHE CRAZY?  ' You guys are coming even if i have to drag you there, you too sasha' i command. Sasha gives me a shy smile and i really hope he asks Jenna to the dance. They would be cute together. ' come on V we'll have   much funnn and meet some new guys'I plead. She gives me a small smile and says' ill come but i dont need a bf carly, im totally fine single' 'V im getting you a bf' i reply and give her a large grin.  

 I invite v and Jenna go get ready at my house . I've been so excited for this formal and hopefully I'll see that super cute guy .We head to go shopping and Sasha says his dad will pick us up at 8. Omg we only have 5 hours to get ready!! The dance starts at 8. In 5 hours i will meet the guy of my dreams!

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