"That's rich coming from you." I bumped my shoulder into hers lightly.

"You calling me a chicken?" Her brow raised in mock offense. "I tried fighting for it. Numerous press releases and the gossip rags could attest to that."

"Yeah, you did. Even after we were married." I laughed at that. "But now, you're scared enough to stay with me."

"At least I tried." She smiled. "I almost had it but then... you know what happened."

"You just keep looking," I told her. "You will find someone to share your life with someday."

One of these days, I might order a statue to be made to immortalize my stupidity.

I always knew I had a masochistic streak but telling the woman that I loved to look for someone else must be on the top of the list.

Yes, I fell in love with her. Great job, my foolish heart.

Why do I always fall for the emotionally unavailable?

Can this condition ever be fixed before I end up terminally damaged?

"I may find one someday but that won't change the fact that I will still be married to you by then."

Fantastic! A willing bed partner but a reluctant wife.

"Maybe my grandfather wouldn't even be alive then." I joked.

She playfully smacked my head. "Don't curse him like that. He's still your grandfather."

"Alright. Alright." I rubbed my head. "But I promise you we'll find a way to get out of this without compromising their alliance."


"I still don't know how," I admitted. "But you'll get your fairy tale."

I walk away...
If not unscathed, at least with just a little hole.

"It'll take long." She said pensively.

It's as if lead has settled at the pit of my stomach.

Don't look like that. It hurts me to know how much you hated the idea of a life with meeven when it's just a short-lived one.

"I'll make the wait worth it." I rubbed her arm and suggestively wiggled my brows.

She finally laughed. "Why, thank you." She quipped.

"I give you my word, you'll get your happy ending," I told her with a serious note in my voice.


I nodded. "Don't be afraid of your parents or my grandfather. I'll have your back. You just grab on to it when it comes."

I hope it never comes.

I gave myself a mental shake.

Not mine.
She's not mine.

"Thank you." She took my hand, entwined it with hers, and squeezed it gently in appreciation. "And you? What will you do then?"

Let you go.

Looking at our hands, a wide grin broke into my face. "Join the foreign legion."

That earned me a playful swat on the arm.

"You'll have your happy ending, too." She told me.

I may not or I may.

My own endingnot the 'happy' ending like yours probably will, unfortunately.

"Count on it!" I smiled, carefully removed my hand from her hold, laid down, and put my arms under my head.

A thousand stars littered the clear night sky.

Wish I may... Wish I might...

Now, I'm wishing with all my heart that I get through this unwanted marriage without falling apart.

"Wonderful night sky," Amelia said.

"Yup, the best!" I said standing up. "I'll head back inside first." I bent down and kissed her lips.

For now, I'll slowly learn to let you go.

Tonight, and for the next ones to come, I'll say a prayer before I fall asleep. A prayer for strength, for I have a promise to keep.

To the god that happens to listen,

I pray that when the moment comes to send Amelia to be with someone else...

Though my heart breaks, I pray...

I pray...

Grant that I send her off with a smile on my face.

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