Chapter 10

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Liam clung to his mother as she gently combed her fingers through his hair. They were sat in the living room of Sarah's flat watching an especially bad horror movie in the spirit of Halloween.

"Are you leaving soon?" Sarah asked. "You don't want to be too late for the party."

Liam only mumbled and cuddled closer.

"Hey, Mr Werewolf, you still have to go to Sammy's to get ready," Sarah said, poking his cheek.

"I don't want to go. I'll just stay with you all day," Liam said. "Actually, I'll stay with you until you can have custody of me again."

Sarah hummed quietly and turned her attention back to the TV. "I'm kicking you out when this movie's over and that's final."

They turned back to the TV just in time to witness a severed head bounce across the screen. "Delightful," Liam commented.

The next hour was filled with crappy TV, a brief popcorn fight, and a lot of talking until suddenly it was time for Liam to leave.

"I don't have to go, Mum," he said.

"No, no, I need you out of the house. Once you're gone, I plan to engorge myself with nuts, pineapple, prawns, maybe I can even discover more allergies!"

"Mum, don't joke about that," said Liam, crossing his arms. "Maybe I should just stay."

Sarah stood from the sofa and pulled Liam up with her. "I'm sorry. That wasn't funny," she said. "But I do want you to go and have fun with your friends." She tugged him towards the front door. "Smile, Grumpy Guts. It's Halloween!"

Liam made a face at her.

"That's the spirit! Now, off you go. I love you, see you soon."

"Love you too," Liam said, getting one last hug in before he was ushered out of the door.


"Come in," Sammy said, opening the door for Liam. They went to his room where both of their costumes were laid out on the bed.

Liam glanced at his hairy costume. "I'm gonna regret this, aren't I?"

"At least when you sweat it will be absorbed by all this material," Sammy helpfully pointed out.

Liam shed his jumper and pulled on the brown shirt that they had covered in fur. He then changed into equally furry trousers. "Aren't you going to get ready?" he asked Sammy who was sat on the bed.

"I tore a hole in my cape while I was trying it on," Sammy explained. "I'm going to try to sew it closed first."

Liam clipped his wolf ears into his hair and put in the fake teeth. "How do I look?" he asked. 

"You forgot the tail," Sammy said, glancing up from his sewing.

Liam peered at Sammy's work. "Do you know what you're doing? Because that kinda looks a mess."

Sammy huffed. "Put your stupid tail on and wait downstairs instead of criticising my sewing." Liam laughed and clipped on the tail of his costume before leaving the room.

"Aaw!" Bella, Sammy's older sister, cooed as Liam came downstairs. "You look like a little doggo! Cutest werewolf in existence."

Liam bared his fake teeth at her. "I am not cute." He fell backwards onto the red couch.

Bella reached out to pet his fake fur but pulled back when he snapped at her fingers. "Lucia! Come and look at this adorable, snappy, little werewolf in our living room."

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