Chapter 11

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"Hey, Jenna!" Alex waved when he spotted her across the dimly lit living room. Jenna looked around, as if she was searching for an escape but before she had a chance to flee, Alex was by her side. "I like your costume. Is it... a dog? Your hair looks like ears."

"Yep, I'm a dog," Jenna said. "Well, it was nice talking to you—"

Alex adjusted the crown on his head. "I just wanted to thank you for not telling anyone about what happened the other day. I knew I could trust you." He smiled gratefully.

"It's—it's okay. Just, why did you do it? If you don't mind me asking." Jenna told herself that if the vandalisation of the computer room was for good reason, she wouldn't feel so guilty about keeping it a secret.

Alex really needed to play his cards right here. That momentary loss of control over his emotions a couple of days ago could ruin his plans. He carefully switched to his troubled expression.

"My dad came to visit me on Thursday. He promised that we would have the whole day to ourselves but only an hour in, he went to the bathroom to get high. He didn't want me around after that so he dumped me back at school. I was angry. See, I only get one day a year to spend with him and he threw it away for drugs. He threw me away for drugs!" Alex raised his voice. He paused and took a deep breath, slowly extending his clenched fists. "So I took a rounders bat from PE and went to town on the computers. It was stupid of me and I know I should own up but..." He trailed off, willing his eyes to fill with tears. "Sorry," he choked out.

Jenna softened immediately. "Oh, Alex. It's okay, really. No one needs to know. I'm sure it will blow over soon enough." She gave him a quick awkward hug. "Don't worry, my lips are sealed."

Alex turned on a sad smile. "Thank you, Jenna. I'm so glad we're friends."

For once, Jenna didn't deny this. "Me too," she said. "Come on, forget about it for now and just enjoy the party. I'll see you later. You look great as a king, by the way."

Alex grinned at her as he fixed the gown on his shoulders before turning away. He smirked to himself as he left Jenna, satisfied with the work he'd done.

Now, it was time for his next plan: to mess with Liam.

Alex didn't care in the slightest that Jaxon seemed to think they'd made some sort of deal about staying away from Liam. Messing with people was his drug, kind of like how his father's drug was actual drugs—the same drugs, in fact, that he had stowed away in his pocket.

He needed this, it kept him sane—if you could call it that.

Alex caught sight of his next victim at the snack table in the kitchen. Perfect. "Hey, Liam," Alex said, joining him at the table. "Enjoying the party?"

Liam shrugged but he didn't say anything.

"We're cool, right?" Alex asked, playing up the insecurity. He fiddled with his sleeve. "I know Jaxon and Sammy don't like me."

"I guess I don't hate you," Liam said, feeling slightly bad for Alex. After all, he had never been on the receiving end of his tricks. "Maybe be... nicer?"

He turned away to pour himself some lemonade. When his cup was full, Liam took a sip and sighed contentedly.

"Good?" asked Alex. Liam jumped as if he'd forgotten he was there.

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