Chapter 12: At the Hospital

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'It's been a week. She hasn't woken up but the machine still beeps at a steady pace. She is alive, and the doctors believe she will wake up any second. Unfortunately, La didn't survived.

The hospital has 24 hour visiting, including a guest room, and even showers. It's a pretty nice hospital. I went home the first day to get some clothes, some toiletries, a blanket, and my laptop. I have only really left when the cafeteria was closed or had food I didn't like.

There is a McDonalds, a subway, and a Pizza Hut nearby. I alternate between walking to those, or whatever the cafeteria has.

Kamryn gives me some money every time she leaves in case I Want to buy something. I feel bad using her money but I have used all of the money I brought. When I get a job I'll pay her back. I mostly sit in a chair in the room watching her. I check my Facebook, and I play music, and watch YouTube videos. There isn't a lot to do here, but I refuse to leave her side.

Kamryn and Blake will be here soon. They have work a lot and they trust me to watch over her. Well I think that is all that's on my mind right now.'

Alyssa closed the yellow notebook and sat it on the table with the purple pen, Michelle did say they were her favorite colors. She looked at Michelle in the bed. Michelle wore a hospital gown, her hair had been cut to shoulder length when it got tangled in the accident, and she had cuts on her face that had already turned into scabs and some scars. They were on her arms too.

She had stitches on the left side of her head. Her right leg was sprained, but her left leg was badly hurt. It was currently broken, but the doctors couldn't give an exact time it'd be fixed, or if it ever would be.

"Hey Alyssa," a voice called from the doorway. She turned and saw Mia, a nurse who had worked here maybe 4 years. She was getting close to turn 30 and was a pretty tall woman compared to most. She had blonde hair that was probably dyed by the comparison to the roots. Alyssa smiled at her as she entered to replace Michelle's IV bag. "Did it help?" she asked.

"A little bit, it did clear my head," she told Mia. Mia had told Alyssa to try and write her thoughts down, other patient's families had done it to keep their mind clear, Mia even did it when she lost her father.

"See, I told you hun," she smiled. She finished and looked at Michelle. "You've been here awhile, you must really care," she stated.

"I do. She's my best friend. My only true friend. One of the few people who accept me," she said with a smile.

"I'm glad. Is Kam coming back today?" she asked her.

"Yeah, when she gets here I will probably take a shower," Alyssa answered with a smile. Mia nodded a bit with a smile.

"I'll see you later, tell her I said hi if I'm not here," she giggled before leaving the room. Alyssa sighed as she sat in silence other than the heart monitor beeping.

Alyssa look at the clock, it was 12:48. She woke up around 9:26 today and had yet to eat.

She thought of what Michelle would say if she was watching her. It would be something about not letting her own health slip because of worry. Alyssa sighed softly and then stood up. She went to Michelle's side and gently touched her hair, she began to pet it.

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