Chapter 7: Infatuation between Laura & Aly

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After that day at the mall their relationship blossomed quickly. The next day Laura had taken her out to dinner and asked her to be her girlfriend. Alyssa said yes. They both changed their Facebook status's and started photo albums of them together. They hung out after school almost every day, whether it was at the mall, the movies, driving around, or just one of their houses. A month in and Alyssa had barely talked to Michelle anymore. 

Two months in and she felt like she had forgotten her feelings completely. Her mind did wander some times to Michelle, wondering how she's been with her boyfriend and if they are okay and if Michelle thinks of her too.

"Hey, babe. Are you listening?" Laura's squeaky voice interrupted Alyssa's thoughts. She enjoyed Laura and all, but her voice, sometimes she just couldn't stand it, especially at night.

"Uhh... No, I wasn't. Sorry," Alyssa admitted softly which caused Laura to squeal out a giggle.

"It's fine sweet heart, I was just saying that tomorrow is the last day of school, and also, the day you meet my family for dinner," Laura repeated and smiled as she drove down the road.

"Oh, yeah I almost forgot," she said softly. Alyssa's dad was fine with their relationship, Laura's mom was fine with it too, but the rest of Laura's family might not be.

"Don't worry about it, it will go great," Laura assured and Alyssa smiled a bit. "So what were you thinking about?" she asked.

"Just a friend I dont talk to anymore," she said softly. Her mind went back to Michelle and the day she met her family. She wondered if Michelle had told them about her being gay. If they ever wanted to hang out would they let them?

"Oh? Why don't you talk to him, or her?" she asked.

"Well when I started dating you I had less time to talk to her. She goes to the private school and we didn't hang out much after," Alyssa said a bit sadly.

"Well you don't really need her then if she doesn't try to talk. You don't really need anyone, we can start anew together," Laura smiled. Alyssa nodded a bit in agreement. She figured it was the best idea since she didnt really have any other friends. Laura was kind of popular and actually everyone knew her. Everyone knew Alyssa now after the fight but she didn't care too much.

"Yeah, I guess I just miss her because she was one of my first real friends that talked to me a good amount," she said softly.

"Alyssa listen, she didn't keep in touch so she doesn't matter, just forget her," Laura replied a bit sternly. "Unless... You like her too much. Right?"

"What? Laura, she is straight," Alyssa said turning to her. Laura kept her eyes on the road.

"Doesn't mean you don't like her. I knew it.. I mean nothing to you don't I?" she whined. Alyssa once again heard the annoying squeak in her voice but pushed it aside.

"Laura, you're jumping to major conclusions. She was just my friend," she said softly. Laura was quiet for the rest of the car ride to Alyssa's house.

"Goodnight. I love you," Laura said quietly as Alyssa was opening the door. She felt her heart sink into her stomach. She had never really loved someone and didn't know if she loved Laura.

"It's a little early to say that," Alyssa mumbled.

"Well I love you. That isn't my fault," she pouted a bit. Alyssa forced out a chuckle and kissed her gently.

"Goodnight Laura," she whispered close to her lips before pulling back.

"One last thing. This friend. I never want to hear about her again.. Is that understood?" Laura told her in a low stern voice. Alyssa never really seen her like this but it scared her a bit. She just nodded before heading up to the door. Laura watched until she was in her house then drove away.

Alyssa couldn't stop thinking about how scary that was. Laura was a sweet girl, how could she sound so scary and serious. Alyssa got to her room and took off her clothing to put on pajamas, simple big T-shirt with Tinker bell on it. Alyssa pulled out her laptop and got on Facebook and just scrolled for a while.

Her and Laura had a lot of pictures and when she looked at them she noticed Laura always kept a tight grip on her shoulder. She wondered if things were wrong between them or maybe Laura was a little, possessive in a scary way. She figured she was just over reacting and just went back to scrolling. She soon saw Michelle's recent post.

'Date night tomorrow with LA! He won't tell me where we are going but I bet it will be great!' It had some likes and comments. She went onto her profile and looked at some of the photos she had. She had a lot with family and a few with LA. She smiled a bit as she looked at her. Michelle and LA had been together around a month, not too long. 

LA was the same age as her and he looked tall with blonde shaggy hair. His eyes were a blue green and he looked kind of like a stereotypical fuck boy; although, most rich boys at private school look like fuck boys or like princes. Alyssa decided to like the post. She soon got a message from someone she didn't know. Trisha? Who was that?

'What the FUCK did you do??' was all it said. Alyssa had no clue who this was or what it meant.

'What?' she sent back.

'Laura's recent post.' Alyssa read that and went to Laura's profile.

'I don't think I could ever be the one for anyone. How could someone want me? I just want her to love me back but she probably never will.' Alyssa looked at it confused. Was this serious? Just because she wasn't ready to say she loved her??

'Laura, darling. What is the post about??' she messaged. She watched until she finally got a message back.

'I knew all along you could never ever love me!! Your said you missed her so obviously you don' want me around ever again! You likd her post about a date so that means you want to be on a date with her! You ignored me to think about her and I am nothing to you at alll. You wouldnt even say you love me so you musst love her insteadd!!' Alyssa read the message and noticed all the spelling mistakes. She felt like the mistakes showed that she was actually upset.

'Laura, I didn't say it because I don't know what it feels like to love so I am unsure still, and it is early. You are blowing this way out of proportion. I liked the post because I like when my friend is happy,' she sent back. She sighed softly as she waited.

'Why are you still talking about her??? I said never to talk about her again!' Alyssa sighed softly.

'Okay, I am sorry. I will stop. But lets go to bed, goodnight,' Alyssa replied just to let the conversation die. Laura didn't reply. She thought she knew Laura well but lately she had seemed a lot different than when they met. 

She hoped that maybe she was just nervous or stressed but it was getting weird and sometimes scary. 

She tried to shrug it off and put away her laptop before curling up into bed to go to sleep.

Its Hard To Love A Straight-GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon