[6] Know your place

Start from the beginning

And we consume without purpose.
And we consume without reason.
And we consume without regard for one another.

We consume it all.
And that is our sin:

And we drift down the corridors of consumerism.
And we've got our phones and our pads pressed up against our faces.
Not stopping, never taking notes to the pain and the suffering of those around us.

Because we need to race to upload photos of our pets.
Or, or our meals.
Or our bodies.
"Ooh, look at me.
See what I have done?
See what I am in this moment?
I am special.
I am smart.
I am funny.
I am pretty."

That is the travesty because we are all special!
We are all smart!
But yet we seem to need the desperate approval from digital friends that we hardly even know when your family and your loved ones are right here, sitting beside you!

And all you have to do is believe it.
You see, we live in a world without confidence.
All of us desperately searching for some approval from a like button and why?
Where is our confidence?
And where is our faith?

I have confidence.
And I have faith.

Let me be the well that you would drink from to fill yourself up.
I am your father.
And you are my children.
And together we will march into Eden's Gate.
Please, will you put your faith in me?"

"Never!" "Fuck you!" "You're insane" those were just some of the things that people yelled out. Except me

"Yes Joseph" I knelt down before him and closed my eyes, I didn't know what to expect, they all stepped aside and made a path to the gate. When I opened my eyes I saw Joseph staring back at me.
"Max, come here." He was smiling, I stepped forward, I could feel the burning stares of everyone around me.
Joseph stuck his hands through the bars and laid them on my shoulders,
"You are destined for great things Max. I have my trust in you. Don't fail me.

I'd be lying if I said I only said yes because I had to join them. Joseph called someone over and ushered me to a different cell. I was given food and water and a bed. Not too long after I ate, a girl entered. She had short brown curly hair and her eyes were a like foggy sea with hints of brown. She was wearing a tatical jacket, a white tank top underneath, a pair of worn jeans and an old pair of expensive looking running shoes.

"You're special, Joseph usually just sends Jacob in by now, but not for you. He said just to answer any of you questions, and to then take you to John's. So, any questions?"

I laughed, where should I start?
"How many times had The Voice spoken to Joseph?"

"Twice we know of, once when he was younger, and once when he had gotten mugged."

"That was the last time?"

"The last we know of, yes"

"Do you have something I could read this all in? Don't you guys have a Bible?"

"Of course, would you like a copy?"

I nodded and she passed me a small book, it had the chruchs symbol printed in a gold foil.
"So, what's next for me? Am I going into the chair?"

"No, you're going to your baptism next. You put your faith in Joseph, John is going to make sure you are honest and truly ready to atone."

"How do you atone?" The way she said it didn't seem right, something is off with her

"You will confess, and then your sin will make it's self clear. Then you will wear that sin on your flesh" she pulled the jacket off and moved part of her tank top strap, revealing LUST craved crudly into her upper chest. "Once we over come our sin, we can have it cut out, like the cancer it is"

It was hard for me to swallow, how could you let someone do that to you? Who in their right mind could trust someone that much?!

"Don't worry, you'll understand soon enough, are you ready to leave for John's?"

I managed to muster up enough strength to talk again
"I guess so,"

"You'll have plenty of time to read while we are in the car."

As I went to pick up the book I noticed I was slightly shaking. I went for my flask but it wasn't there. I'll have to hold off for a little longer.
Sitting in the car I started reading through the Bible.
There were graphic pictures depicting earthquakes and famines. Joseph claimed he didn't know how the world would end, Joseph only mentioned hearing the voice twice. But what happened when we're in the truck? Did the voice chose me?
Alright here's the next chapter, I've been busy lately so updates are going to be a little more paced out. Thanks for reading everyone!

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