"You really love her don't you?" Quentin asked recognizing the look in the assassin eyes. And Fully understanding her daughter's love for her.

"More than life itself. " Nyssa answered truthfully looking at Quentin

"After this is over do you mind telling me about what happened, and how you two met. I still never got the full story on what went on in the six years my Sara was gone." Quentin asked, now understanding the assassin more. He also genuinely wanted to now what happened in the six years of hell his daughter was gone. He caught Oliver's look of sadness, pain and fear, and wondered if he really wanted to know the truth.

"Six years?! I'm so sorry I can't imagine losing your daughter and thinking she was dead all those years." Joe comforted the fellow father. Harry and J'onn both looked at him with sympathy having been father's themselves.

"I will tell what I can, but I fear that I can not tell you the full story, or won't out of favor for my beloved. I can tell you most of what happened in her time with the League, and what Sara told be about what happened on the island." Nyssa told Quentin.

"If it's ok with you guys I want to be there as well and hear the story. I don't know Miss Lance, but it sounds like an interesting story." Alex asked intrigued by the blonde she saw and heard about. Everyone including Cat agreed wanting to hear the story of Sara's survival.

"Great, now that we got that cleared up, Miss Creepy computer can you please resume the film. Some of us have lives." Cat complained earning a glare and eye roll from Supergirl.

"Mrs. Grant I would like to remind you that I am an AI, not a computer." Gideon clapped back matter of factly.

"Whatever," Cat said rolling her eyes

Nate Heywood races through the Mayors office, running into people and evading security until he was clothes lined by an awaiting guard. "What the hell is going on out here?!" Oliver Queen demanded coming out from his office.

"Hey look its you Ollie!!" Thea yelled pointing at the screen

"You're Mayor?" Winn asked surprised

"Yeah, its more of a front for my vigilante nights. Gideon can we skip this part, I already know what happens." Oliver asked the ceiling

"Yes, Mr. Queen we can skip to when you arrive at the ship. Perhaps you can give everyone a little recap on what went down." The AI suggested.

"Basically Mr. Nate Heywood came to me for help because apparently he is a 'time detective' and has noticed slight changes in history that the legends were apart of. Anyway Mr. Heywood came to me because he knew I was friends with Sara and Ray. He Suspected that they were in trouble After multiple sittings of a flying spaceship crashing into the Ocean shortly before an Atomic bomb went off three years before It was supposed to. " The Arrow summarized.

"If the legends went down with ship, where are the bodies?" Nate asked walking into the med bay.

"The ship is keeping him in stasis" Oliver stated

"How do you know?" Dr. Heywood asked. Oliver simply pointed at the screen. "Oh" Nate said

"You know for a doctor, he isn't very smart." Caitlin observed

"Wait the ship kept Mr. Rory in stasis for over 70 years?" Cat asked doing the math.

"Dude Mick is old!!" Barry yelled laughing. Finding the situation hilarious. Karma

Mr. Rory jumped up and swung at Oliver which the Arrow easily avoided and held hin down. "What happened to your team?" Oliver asked calmly.

"You wouldn't believe me even if i told you?!" Mick answered.

(ON HOLD) Watching the Legends Adventure Through TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora