Chapter 14

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Earlier, my uncle Frank told me that he was gonna see my dad tomorrow. He asked if i wanted to go but i declined. Its obvious Frank got a problem with me not talking to my dad but i could care less. With him being my dad's big brother he's gonna always be on defense mode. It makes me mad because clearly he don't see where im coming from in this situation.

You're probably wondering why i have so much resentment towards my dad. Well its because he wasn't really a father to me.

Ive always went to my ma for pretty much everything. Whether that was advice or spending time with me. My dad never took the time to get to know me. He was too busy doing him.

" Ty ..", Royal said. Breaking me from my thoughts. I looked over at her. She had concern written on her face. " Hm ", i said looking away from her. She made us stop walking then she turned my face to hers.

" What's wrong "

" Nothing's wrong "

" Ty be real with me, wassup "

It not a problem for me to talk to Royal. Its just that i never talked about the stuff about my dad to anybody. Not even Brandon and that's my nigga. I just need to  vent right now cause its too much to hold in.

" Can we talk ? Like on some real shit "

" Yeah, whats going on ", Royal asked. She took my hand and led me over to the bench that was nearby. We sat down then she gave me her full attention. I took a deep breath then begin to talk.

" You know that im not really feeling my dad right ? "

" Yeah.. Because he left, right? "

" Yeah but its more to that ", i told her. Royal had a confused look on her face.

" My mama started to get sick around the time i turned 8. Both of them didn't tell me, i just knew because she wasn't how she usually was. She was tired all the time. But she still went about her life. Like going to work and stuff like that. I remember after she come home she would spend all of her time with me. I guess my dad ain't like that shit because he started acting funny. He was never really fatherly to me so i didn't give a fuck. But then he started being like that towards my ma "

I looked over at Royal. I took a deep breath then continued.

" I remember later on he was always late coming home. Sometimes he wouldn't even come home at all. Which i could care less about. But i could tell my ma was hurt by it. But anyway, one night they started arguing because she found out that my dad was cheating on her and everything just went left from there "

Royal shook her head. Then she looked at me. She didn't say anything but she didn't have too. Her eyes held sympathy. I could tell by the look on her face that she felt bad about the whole situation. She laid her head on my chest. Then i wrapped my arm around her.

" Im sorry that happened and im glad you told me about it "

" Why you say that "

" Because now i have somebody to talk to since we both went through sort of the same situation "

" Yeah speaking of which, have you talked to your mom at all ", i asked Royal, trying to change the subject. She shook her head no. Then she looked up at me.

" Even though she texted me the other day but i didn't reply to her ", she responded. I nodded my head.

" I feel like you should talk to your mom ", i told her. She rised  off of me. Then She just stared at me.

" Why should I "

" Look Ro all im saying is she's your mom and you should have some sort of a relationship with her. Something might happen and its gonna be too late ", i responded. She didn't say anything as she looked at me. Damn im being a huge hypocrite right now. Royal saw my facial expression. " Yeah ", was all she said.

" Aight lets make a deal "

She raised her eyebrow at me. Then she shifted a little. " Ok go on ", she said.

" If i go and talk to my dad then you gotta go see your ma again "

" Ok i can do that ", she responded. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

" You forreal ", i asked her.

" Yeah..i mean i only have to see her right "

" Yeah "

" So i don't have to talk to her then ", she asked me.

" That's what i meant Ro ", i responded. She stood up and stretched. She stood quiet for a second before saying, " Fine I'll talk to her but if it goes bad then im blaming you ".

I stood up and walked over to her. I wrapped my arms around her then i started kissing on her cheek. She slightly pushed me off but i still held on to her. I leaned down and kissed her on the lips. She kissed me back then she pulled away with a smile. Then I smiled back at her.


" Ohh shit ", Royal moaned out loud. She was riding me with her back facing me. I started to rub on her silt. She threw her head back in pressure.

I ended up taking control and turned us over. I started hitting it from the back. Giving her long soft strokes. She started moaning uncontrollably. I began picking up my pace. Then she started moaning nonsense.

We went to her house after we dropped Zay off at my aunt's house. We was supposed to be just chilling but things happen.

At this point i didn't care if her dad comes home or not. Im too busy on giving Royal the best strokes of my life to worry about anything else.

I smacked her ass then she start throwing it back. " fuck ", i groaned lowly. I felt myself about to bust but i was waiting until she did first. Once she did, i pulled out and released myself.

We kissed each other then Ro got up and went into the bathroom. I laid there trying to catch my breath.


After she came back, we just laid there. She laid her head on my chest. I closed my eyes while i had my arm laying on my forehead. I felt her tracing my abs with her finger.

" Baby..", Royal said. I opened my eyes to look over at her.

" Mhm "

" Are you really gonna see your dad tomorrow ? "

" We had a deal didn't we ", i responded with a smile. She shifted a little before talking again.

" Is it ok if i went with you ? ", she asked me.

" Yeah ", i responded. She nodded then she laid her head on my chest again.

Im glad she asked me because i was going ask her anyway. I don't want to be alone going to see him. I mean my uncle gon be there but still. I just feel more comfortable when im around Royal. I don't know what to expect when i do see my dad tomorrow because the last time i talked to him it didn't go well. We'll just have to see what happens. If it goes bad then oh well.


Guys im sorry i haven't updated 😭 a lot is going on right now but after tomorrow ill put two chapters out.

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