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"Hey Seo Changbin!"

Changbin turned around and saw his friends coming towards him and his car. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around their shoulders.

"What's up?" he asked as he threw away the gum he was chewing.

"We're waiting for Mingyu to come fetch Felix back." his friends snickered. Changbin laughed a little.

Until, a tall figure was shown in front of them.

"Oh what took you so long? Anyways where's the fag at?" one of the friends asked.

Mingyu smirked. He shoved Felix's arm and pushed him to the ground, as his whole body went weak. They all stared at him with cold looks but Felix was too scared to open his eyes.

"Come on, little boy.. We've got a surprise for you" one of them snickered and grabbed him into their car and blindfolded the poor younger.

1 hour later. (in Changbin's house)

"Are you sure we can do this to your own b-brother, Mingyu?" Changbin asked while stuttering a bit.

His friends stared at him with a confused look. "Of course we can! What's going on with you Seo Changbin..? Last time you were so eager to beat that kid up." his friend replied with a smirk.

Changbin gulped.

"What are you doing? Now hurry up and un-blindfold him"

Changbin nodded as he got told and untied the blindfold on Felix.

"L-let go of me.. please" the younger begged.

Mingyu walked towards Felix and shook his head. "You are already a disgrace to my family and now you're asking us to spare you?"

Felix nodded slowly as his eyes were puffy red while tears were falling down his rosy cheeks.

Changbin looked at the boy with pity and had the tension to let him go.

"No way on earth we would do that. You'll be stuck in here for 48 hours, which would be 2 days if you're that stupid. Since this is Changbin's house, don't be retarded and make a mess. We'll come by and visit every 3 hours by the way so get prepared." Mingyu ordered sternly as he walked around Felix, making him feel like a prey.

Felix shook his head and more tears came out. "J-just make it stop..! I want to l-leave" he denied.

Mingyu furrowed his eyebrows and growled, "You should be thankful for this you little fag! I'm allowing you to stay in this expensive ass house and that's what you say?! I'll make you starve even more if you whine, so I think this is the best place to stop complaining." Mingyu left the room as the others followed him, leaving Changbin and Felix left all alone here.

Felix whimpered as he held on to his sweater, his eyes puffed up, puckered lips and cheeks as red as roses.

Changbin gazed at the younger boy and gulped. He stood up and made sure that the door was locked so that they couldn't come back in.

"H-hey are you alright-"

"Please let m-me out of here.." his sentence got caught off by Felix's whimper.

Changbin sighed and nodded. He untied the rope that were tied up to his legs, back and hands.

"T-thank you..!" Felix finally opened his eyes and noticed it was Changbin who did it.

He hugged him tightly as Felix's soft cold hands were touching Changbin's back. Felix felt warmth for the first time.

Changbin felt flustered and pushed him slowly while his cheeks turned pink. "N-not that close.." he mumbled.

Felix bit his lip and understood. "S-sorry I'm just a bit jittery right n-now.." Changbin sighed.

"Kid, listen. Your brother ordered me to let you stay here for 2 days, alright? If you be a good boy, he might even let you go back home so make sure to always follow the rules.
The kitchen is downstairs, followed along the living room, library and bathroom. This floor we're in right now is my bedroom, but I don't think you can sleep here so you can sleep in the guest room." Changbin explained with care and concern while Felix just gazed at the older with sparkles in his eyes.

"Don't tell your brother that you're sleeping on a bed since the usual plan was to make you sleep in the basement." he reminded while Felix nodded.

Changbin scratched his head while thinking about what to say next as he finally remembered.

"Oh and I almost forgot to say this but, there's a pool outside in my backyard just in case you get bored or anything."

Felix nodded.

He was about to say something but stopped.

"Any comments?" the older asked.

Felix crawled closer to Changbin and whispered some things to him.

Changbin gulped.

"Please it's just one favour to ask-"

Felix's sentence gets caught off by Changbin, covering his mouth to shut him up.

He hesitates to take off Changbin's cold hand off his face.

"No I am not going skinny dipping with you, felix."

oof this was quite an angsty chapter. but can yOU BEliEvE thAt FElIX wAntS tO Go SkinNY DipPiNg wItH AegYo KinG chAnGbIn oH mY-

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2018 ⏰

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