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It was a Sunday afternoon. Felix dropped off the train, on his way back home. He was wearing his rusty earphones as usual, listening to those kind of sad songs you find in drama shows.

Even though it was the beginning of the holidays, Felix still had no plans on what to do in 3 weeks.

He doesn't have friends.

He doesn't have time.

He doesn't have any happiness left.

All he wanted to do was to cuddle up in his blanket and forget.

Back in school days..

"Hey Freckles, having fun yet with your imaginary boyfriend?" a cold voice came behind Felix.

He turned around, it was the same exact person he thought in his mind.

His brother, Mingyu.

"Is it because you're half Australian, huh? Did your Australian friends encourage you to be gay?" Mingyu laughed. He was basically the "full Korean blood in his family".

Felix was no other than a filthy gay brother to him that was born from another foreign mother, with the same dad.

Yes. Felix is getting bullied by his own brother.

Everytime he's with him, he always gets compared, judged and humiliated.

"Come on, bro. Have some respect and answer me!" his brother yelled as Felix's cheeks went red while a tear formed.

Mingyu chuckled. "That's right. Exactly what I thought." he said as he looked down on the younger.

"You're nothing but a queer wuss."

~~~~~~~END OF FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~

Felix arrived home, as he saw his father down on the ground, carrying a bottle of wine. "F-felix! Have some err w-wine with me heh" he mumbled while Felix tried to get away from him.

He ran to his room, slammed the door and cried. "What is w-wrong with me... Am I nothing but a useless son..? Was I a mistake to my family.. just like my mother....?"

Felix looked up at the ceiling light and closed his eyes.

"I want to feel loved."

yes yes this is a new book of mine ooof

i made felix half australian here so in the next few chapters you will hear a lot about his family background and backstory !

it's getting angsty ;-; i'm more of a fluff person but this is a whole new writing style for me i'm just experimenting with all the different themes !

get ready to meet changbinie in the next chapter btw~

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