Chapter 26

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Molly froze at the sound of her mom's voice echoing from downstairs. She had a lot of explaining to do when it came to Pierre and Dominick being here. She just hoped she could get to her before Melissa found out and blabbed about who they were.

She threw the blankets back and threw on a pair of pants, not caring what she looked like. Then she whipped the door open to find Pierre and Dominick standing there with unsure looks on their faces.

"Just wait in my room." Molly replied as she walked around them and descended the stairs. She found her mom coming and taking off her jacket.

"Good morning, sweetie. Did you sleep well?" She asked.

Molly nodded, "very. Um, what are you doing here? How did you get here?"

"I wanted a shower and fresh clothes. I took a taxi." Her mom laughed, "where's your sister?"

Molly shrugged, "no idea."

Then her mom squinted at her, "Molly. Please tell me you two aren't still fighting like always."

"You just said it mom. Like always." Molly followed her into the kitchen, "I should tell you something before you find out..."

Her mom stopped and turned to stare at Molly, "what is it?" She asked with panic laced in her words.

Molly shook her head, "it's not bad. I just wanted to let you know that my friend's Pierre and Dominick flew in this morning from Miami to give me support during this time. I didn't want you to run into them here at the house and freak out." She let out a small, nervous laugh.

"Oh," her mom began, "now, Pierre is your friend and co-worker, right?" She was trying to remember what Molly had told her over the phone weeks ago, "but who is Dominick?"

"Yes, Pierre is the friend from work. Dominick is my neighbor and good friend." And Molly left it at that.

Then Melissa came into the kitchen with bed head and nothing but a tank top and panties on, "Dominick is the boyfriend, mom, don't let her fool you." Melissa yawned and gave Molly the bird from behind their mom's back. And Molly wanted to kill her.

Her mom's eyes shot up and she looked at Molly with surprise, "the boyfriend? He's here?" She smiled, "oh, I would love to meet him."

Molly internally groaned. She couldn't exactly tell her mom that he was no longer her boyfriend, and the reason was because she found out he was a porn star. Fuck it, she thought, just go with it.

"I should warn you first, though..." Molly began.

"Warn me about what, sweetie? I'm sure he's a wonderful young man."

Molly let out a small laugh, "I'm just letting you know that he's nothing like the guys I've dated before... he's...." she was trying to find the right words, "he's very decorated."

Her mom raised an eyebrow and looked confused, "decorated?"

Melissa groaned in annoyance, "mom, the guy is covered in tattoos. Literally from head to toe."

"Would you fuck off?" Molly groaned in her direction.

"Molly!" Her mom scolded, "language! And I don't care if he's got tattoos. That's what young kids are doing these days, right?"

Molly shrugged, "yeah, I just wanted to warn you is all."

"Well, go get him. I want to meet him." Her mom stated as she walked over to the sink to fill up the coffee pot.

Molly turned on her heel and went back upstairs to her bedroom. Pierre and Dominick were in there sitting on her bed and laughing about something.

"What's so funny?" Molly asked as they both jumped to look in her direction.

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