Chapter 25

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Molly breathed in the familiar Seattle air as she left the airport. It was cool, crisp, and fresh. And she missed it. It was raining and a bit chilly so she pulled the sweater from around her waist and threw it on as she waited for an open taxi to pull up to the curb.

"Ma'am, do you need a ride?" a man to her left asked her. She was so in her own little world that she hadn't seen him pull up and turn on his light.

She nodded and rolled her luggage towards him, "I need to go to Virginia Mason Hospital, please."

"Very well." He took her luggage and loaded it in while she got in the back seat. It was really late and she was exhausted, but she needed to see her mom, see that her daddy was okay.

She turned the airplane mode off on her phone and within seconds her phone was blowing up. There was several missed calls from Dominick and a few texts, and then there were even more missed calls and texts from Pierre.

Pierre: wtf?! you left? I told you not to do that!

Dom: Molly. please call me. why did you leave?

Pierre: MOLLY!!!!!! answer your fucking phone!!!

Pierre: Dominick is losing his mind and won't let me sleep. where the fuck are you?

She sighed as she scrolled through more texts that looked like those. Then she clicked reply on Pierre's and sent her message.

Molly: I'm fine. My dads had a heart attack. Idk when I'll be back...if I'll be back. ily.

Then she silenced her phone and tossed it into her purse as she rode in silence to the hospital. The rain pelted against the window and blurred her view of the familiar city.


She hated the smells and sounds of hospitals but yet she was still grateful for their existence. She found out from the receptionist where her father would be held and where her mother would be waiting.

The ride up the elevator felt like it took forever and her anxiety spiked. She hated these things. They were a metal death box and she always thought about the wires snapping right before she plummeted to her death. The thought made her grip her bag and luggage handle tighter. Then the door finally dinged and slid open.

She went in the direction she was told and a moment later she saw her mom. The sight of her pulled on Molly's heart strings and she held her breath. Her mom looked defeated as she was bent forward with her head in her hands.

"Mom..." Molly said softly.

Her head whipped up as she stared at Molly with pure relief as she pushed from her chair and ran to Molly, wrapping her in a tight hug.

Molly tightly hugged her back as they both cried in each other's arms.

"I'm so glad you came, Mols." Her mom whispered.

"Me too. How is he?" Molly replied.

Her mom released her and stood back as she shrugged, "he's stable now, but it was a bad one. They think they will need to put in a stint to keep the artery clear. But other than that, they think he'll be just fine." She took a deep breath, "it was so scary, Mols."

Molly nodded, "I bet, mom. I'm just so glad he's okay."

Then her mom looked down at her, "Miami has treated you well, Mols. You look great. I'm glad you finally put those band tee's to rest."

Molly laughed through her tears as she looked down at her designer jeans, designer sweater, and designer heels. "I have a friend with really good taste." She laughed.

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