Secrets Blown

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How? How could he possibly know that?

"How could you possibly know that I have a bond with Casper?" I was being very bossy today.

He smirked,"Casper? That's what he's called? Well, that makes my job easier and.. some-what simpler." He saw my confused expression and thankfully was thoughtful enough to clarify,"There was- is a prophecy that suggests that a girl will rise, defeat the enemy and establish an empire with her as queen."

Well, this was a lot to take in, as you can imagine. Last queen I met was Maddison, queen of our stupid school. And she was a bitch, and I didn't want to turn into anything like her.


"And this girl has a black cat called Casper."

"You didn't answer my god-damn question!" I shouted, feeling anger bubble up inside of me.

"Oh, yeah, right. Uh, you might not realise this, but, well you speak out loud when you answer him."

I sat, stunned under the shade of trees while Will let me process this new information. I must've gotten a bit too quiet so he cleared his throat and looked at me with an are-you-okay expression.

"I'm fine," I reassured, still staring into the distance. "It's just not every day that you learn that everyone knows that you've been speaking to your cat and they think I'm even more of a freak than I originally thought. Oh and yeah, the I'm-gonna-be-a-bloody-queen. Yeah, thanks, you crushed my dreams of being an astronaut when I grow up," I added the last part sarcastically.

He raised his eyebrows.

"Sorry," I breathed a big sigh,"wait... what enemy?"

"The government, they've been killing off Hyacinfi since the ninteenth century. Staging accidents before they had a chance to meet their guardians. By guardians I mean the animals that you find sometime in your life and are destined to become.. partners in crimes so to speak.

"Normally you become a true Hyacinfi at an older age so the government wouldn't exactly be looking out for someone your age. Which gives even more reason for you to be the one the prophecy speaks about. But I'm sure you're still on their to-be-exterminated list."

"What age does everyone else... turn?" I asked, becoming enraged, but still curious.

"Around twenty, twenty-one," All those young lives, I thought, lost before they even knew how.. blue they could be. He paused to looked around the clearing,"actually I'm surprised you spotted me, this is pretty cut-off."

I looked down, embarrassed,"I've got better vision than most." Another secret out in the open. Why would I keep it a secret you ask? Because I didn't want another thing for those assholes at school to use against me.

He smiled at me and I melted inside, all this faked deaths and discovering was making me forget how big of a crush I had on this guy.

"Don't go crying on me now, Miss."Casper's voice chuckled at me. Casper's voice wasn't very human sounding, though he had the english language down.

"Shut up," I thought back at him. While concentrating on what was being said in between my 'guardian' and I, I hadn't bothered to move my eyes away and had been staring at Will's nose for a few minutes.


I shook myself out of my daze,"Oh! Nothing, just... nothing."

"Well," he said,"I think.. my mum will chuck a cow if I don't get home by lunch and you must have a lot more questions so, same time, same place tomorrow?"

I hadn't been expecting that. I'd thought this was a one-off," Yeah, sure, okay." Trying to spare myself anymore embarrasment, I skidded off in the direction of my house.

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