~Chapter 10~ Together Forever❤

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Last Chapter of Married Strangers :)

Third Person's POV

"Manik, you got to stop it bacche. Its been a month and we still don't know any head or toe of Nandini. She just vanished from our life. You got to accept it." Raj says in his one of some care and stern voice, trying to put some brains in Manik. 'Only he can manage to complicate the already difficult drama.'

Manik gets up from the bed and walk to the window, " I am trying dad, and I know I will find her soon." He says meeting the eyes on sun with rage and challenge, his voice determined to find and bring back his lady love.

"You have to accept it Manik, she don't want to be found. Is it so hard to understand?" Nayonika complains putting one hand on her hips, she is angry with Manik for everything. From all mistake he had done and all attempts that turned out to be errors, for the blunder he caused by puting Nandini in such a situation that she had to leave him, and now for the way he is living almost lost in his own world. She rolls her eyes walking close to Manik, who was giving proofs that he is a descendant of Devdas, with stuble grown much more than usual, disshelved hair, swollen eyes, just a beer bottle was absent.

"Are you sure you don't know anyone else she could turn to? May be an old friend or someone you know?" Raj asks on serious note to build up courage in Manik. He knew how much Manik was regretting his past actions and decisions.

"I have contacted everyone , but nobody had any clue." He could feel his tears again stinging at the back of his eyes but he controlled not wanting to break down in front of his parents.

He sigh sadly and walks towards the drawer where Her wedding ring was present. The only thing she left to miss her.

"Just come back please! I am losing my mind here! I know I have made many mistakes, but just give me one chance. Please Nandini, I want you, I need you , I feel so incomplete, its suffocating now.... Please! " with the tears carelessly flowing from his eyes, he cry out loud to no one but the walls.

"Why did you gave up on me Nandini? Everything had just started to get fine!" he was breaking down from inside.

Nandini' POV

Its Saturday and I have appointment to go. I pick up my hand bag and walk to the car. Its my brother's car he had left for my use.
I take the car and drive it to hospital. I check with the doctor and wait for the report to arrive.
"Mrs. Malhotra, You report is ready." I hear receptionist calling from end. Oh god! How difficult it is to walk with baby inside me. Although, the child must be as small as peanut. Sometimes I feel I am blessed to feel this feeling but then sometimes my thoughts make me all yuck in his presence and its not his fault, its all that monster's fault. Huh!

"Oh yes." I say and get up. I walk to the receptionist and get my report. When I turn I spot a familiar face from a distance. Bhai? I call softly but in unsure voice.
The man whose eyes were glued to me was now making an attempt to hide himself. I squeeze my brows then make it straight walking as fast as I can to the car. I must get out of building before I fell in to any problem. I can sniff some problem approaching me, monster alert?!

I quickly make my way to my car in the parking lot. I open the doors and settles in; just when I am about to ignite the engine, the side door opens up and someone enters my car without my permission.

"What the hell? Who the hell you thin-" Rest of words get stuck in my throat when I look up to his face.

"Manik", that's what I can manage to utter with my eyes wide and mouth slightly parted. My all senses were showing red signal.

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