Who's This Wanker?

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John Watson really didn't know what to expect when he put up that ad for a flat mate. Some weirdo with a cat fetish? He'd get over it. A short, fat man with greasy red hair and a hobby of collecting stamps? Sure, why not. But a tall guy with thick black curls and cold, dark blue eyes that seemed to stare right into your soul, who looked like he might very well slit your throat if you look at him to long? Even John didn't feel to comfortable with that one.

"Um... I'm John. John Watson, and you are?" He started slowly, unsure how to approach this behemoth-

'Did I really just describe this twig of a guy a behemoth?' The thought seemed even funnier in his his head. But before he could express his feelings, the peculiar man spoke up.

"I know."

"E-excuse me?" John stuttered, leaning forward a bit. Just who was this wanker?

"I know your name. It was in the ad." He man said coldly, his deep voice in a solid monotone.

"O-oh! Right, anyway, who ar-"

"Sherlock Holmes. You're John Hamish Watson. You aspire to be an army doctor, but you're unsure of your choice just yet. Family, maybe? No, that'd be to simple. You're just indecisive, that's all. But you're happy to be away from your family. You've got a father who just came back from the war recently. You're mum left when your brother Harry announced he was dating a certain girl named Clara. Total overreaction, in my opinion, but you normal people have such interesting minds. But then Clara broke up with him- no, Harry broke up with Clara, he gave you his phone, a gift from this girl. If Clara had ended it with him, he would have kept it- human sentiment I suppose. But afterwards he was depressed, and got into drugs, alcohol, leaving your home life worse off then it originally was." The boy spoke quickly, as if unable to stop himself.

After he spoke however, he looked shocked, as if he simply couldn't believe his eyes. But the black haired Brit stayed silent. Something about the boy's name struck a cord in his mind, but he ignored it. He'd remember later.

"T-that was amazing! How did you know all that?" John muttered, fidgeting with his hands. How on earth did this boy know all that?

"I didn't know, I observed." Was his reply, matter of fact and arrogant- as if it was obvious.

"In any case, bloody hell that was amazing!"

The face made by Sherlock was one of both confusion and amusement, but his tone was just as monotonous as before.

"Oh really? Most people aren't to fond of my observations." He said, chuckling darkly.

"What do they usually say?" John asked, voice almost hesitant. He wasn't to sure that he actually wanted to know. But Sherlock's reply was laughable.

"Piss off." The lanky, black haired boy said, a grin that could almost be described as malicious joy spreading splitting his pale face as a chuckle broke forth from his chest.

John found himself unable to contain his own laughter as the pair chuckled to themselves for a while.

"You got everything correct... Except one, little thing..." John said in a dramatic, lilting tone, grinning when Sherlock turned serious.

"What? What did I miss?" He demanded, eyes narrowing as he leaned forward, fingers steepling under his chin.

"Harry is short for Harriet." John announced, blue-gray eyes sparkling as he watched this discovery slowly dawn on his new flat mate.

"Sister?" Sherlock asked monotonously, earning a nod from a grinning John.

"Well there's always something." The boy sighed, chuckling a bit.



Hello, whoever might happen upon my fanfiction! I know this chapter isn't very long, but I'm working completely on mobile for a while, so updates might be small, but I'm really excited about this. I know no one will probably ever read this, but what should I call the select few who do? Kala-Lings or Hedglings? Your choice my dear fan girls and boys <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2014 ⏰

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