The Night

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It was late August when my birth came. My mother had been in labor for 13 hours before I finally came into the world. My birth was the hardest of all my siblings. My mother believed it was because I was a male. Males aren't as common in our pack as females. Male's are normally powerful creatures of the moon. All Males end up at an Alpha or so it was believed. Then I came around. When I was born it was a big deal I was told. I was the first male to be born in the past 3 years.

Everyone believed i would be a powerful Alpha one to lead the pack one day but by my 5th birthday everyone knew that was a lie. Unlike the other males I don't have the aggressive and protective need an Alpha needs to be powerful. I was weak and bent to easily to dominance than I should have. Most believed it was because i was growing up in a house full of females. (Authors note: seeing as people have made it there very mission to comment on this, I would like to point out that I am a woman. My personal view is not that women are weak or less than men, because they aren't they are amazing and powerful and just so fantastic! I don't believe anyone would come out worse for wear if they were raised by only women. In the context of this story though women are not seen as powerful. They are werewolves yes and they are mostly omegas making them be viewed as the weaker sex. Now if you can move on from this point that would be nice. Enjoy the rest of the story.)

My family consisted of 4 sisters, my aunt, grandma, 3 cousins, and mother all of which were female. My father was murdered when I was 3 months. Growing up in a world full of women I wasn't taught not to bow to dominance. That was my first down fall in life.

My second down fall was when I was 14. I had just left school and was on my way home. I had had a long day of pain and bullying from some older class men of my school. I was walking home a pounding in my head from being punched. I had just turned toward down the road for home when 5 of the 18 year olds from the pack surrounded me. They started to taunt me about school. The pounding increased as the anger filled me. I can't remember everything just the shift.

Shifting takes time and control before you can do it fully. No one has ever done it fully tell they turn 18. There i was a 14 year old shifter in full form. I remember the pain in my head growing to all over my body and leaning forward. The next thing I knew the world around me was red and I was on all fours growling at 5 weak 18 year olds. I chased them home in my full shifted form and it took 8 full grown shifters to convince me to change back. They helped me bottle up the beast and put him away.

Now at the age of 18 I am different beyond belief. My light brown hair lays in spikes across my head yet some hairs lay in my eyes and my green eyes tend to glow in the dark. Most 18 year old pack men are tall and strong. They have tan skin and dark eyes of an animals, wolves if anything. Unlike the dog like creatures I turned into an elegant beast of sorts. My skin is pale as if never seen the sun in its life and i am a good 6'4" of nothing but bones.

Today is the day. The day where I am left alone forever to never find the one. It is the claiming day. The alpha shall pick his/her omega. I shall stand in line with my fellow omegas and wait to be left standing alone ashamed and broken like each new year since i was 16.

I sigh running my fingers through my messy hair staring into the mirror in front of me. I stare straight into my green eyes then look away at my pale complexion. I look over my self in the mirror and nod slightly at my refection. My black jeans sit perfectly on my hips, while my black shirt clings slightly to my chest and i pull my black leather jacket closer to me hoping to hide my body, nerves filling me. Why do I have to come again?

I let out a puff of air annoyed and turn away from the mirror and toward the kitchen my stomach growling softly. My feet carry me subconsciously toward the kitchen and I pull open some cupboards searching for some food. After a short search, pull out some cheez-itz and open the box. Shoving my hand into the box I grab a hand full of the cheesy snack then push it into my mouth; as I jump up on the counter to wait for my sisters.

From outside the kitchen I hear Maria and Hecata chatting away lazily. I frown remembering it's not only my multiple time being left waiting but it's theirs too. Gwen and Sadie where married 2 years ago quickly. They were always the favorites with their red hair and perfect breeding its no surprise mom tried to marry them of earlier for more money.

Now don't get me wrong our mother loves us but needs money too. She cares for 2 other families not just ours and needs all the help she could get. I frown again as the kitchen door is pushed open and in walk Sadie holding Anna Marie, her 1 month old daughter.

"Hey Mikey!" She singsongs to me as she rocks Anna Marie.

"Hey Sadie," I hum back at her rolling my eyes at her happiness. How is she so happy its the Claiming and I'll be stood up more than likely.

I grab another handful of Cheez-Itz and shove it in my mouth as Sadie continues talking, "You excited for tonight Little Buddy? Cause I just know that you'll be claimed by an Alpha!" Not like she hasn't said that before.

"Mhm, you just keep thinking that, " I mumble through my mouthful of cheese crackers, even if it comes out sounding more like, "muffhum, You Juz Kelp beliving dat."

She rolls her eyes and holds Anna Marie out to me. I pout but take my niece and hold her close. I look down at her and mumble soft enough for her to only hear, "Lets hope you have better luck finding an Alpha than I am."

Anna Marie just smiles up at me her eyes half open and holds my finger.

"Michael Andrew Evans are you ready?!" My mom screams from the living room. I just roll my eyes and hand Anna Marie back to Sadie who gives me an encouraging smile and I head toward the living room.

The claiming doesn't start tell 7 and its only 6:54 so we have plenty of time to get everyone signed in. I walk with my sisters toward the line where we all stand together. I pass 3 other younger male Omegas but don't offer any hello knowing full and well that they wont like me, this being their first year of claiming they find me intense competition. God only knows why.

I move to stand in my place waiting staring straight a head hoping tonight will go fast. Then unable to hold myself back I glass to the gate as the Alphas file in. Gazing upon them before being claimed is normally frowned upon by but tonight it an exception to everyone around. It takes slightly longer for the Alphas to settled in. When they do like normal I feel eyes on me but I don't dare look around to find the person the eyes belong too.

"Welcome!" Our present Pack Leader, The Alphas Alpha or Samuel Jaspers says in his gruff voice stepping before us all. "I would like to welcome the Omegas and Alphas for coming to the claiming. Like every year.." He moves into the speech he gives every year talking about how important the Omegas are for with out them the pack would die, Blah, Blah, Blah.

After 10 minutes of drowning on and on about Omegas Samuel announces, "We are ready for the Alphas to pick their Omega."

I stiffen up as the Alphas start to walk forward looking us Omega's over. Their eyes running over us like we are objects passing their inspection. I roll my eyes as Alphas pass in front of me not stopping or caring. From the corner of my eyes I watch Omega after Omega getting picked and claimed. You can feel the claiming energy in the air.

Slowly my stare shifts to the moon before I sense  eyes on me. Quickly I drop my gaze to around me finding 3 Alpha's eyes on me going over my body. I stiffen in anger at the feeling of being treated like an object not a person. Before I can say something stupid I bite my tongue and look away quickly.

Thats when it happens, like magnets being drawn together the three Alphas lurch forward toward me at in human speed. I shut my eyes lifting my chin high waiting for them to fight. Then some ones arm snakes around my waist and I am pulled away from the Alphas. My face then is pressed into some ones chest and a smell fills my nose making my body tense and relax all the same.

I hear the sound of teeth sinking into flesh and the feel of warmth and belonging rushes through me. My body lets out a shiver and I feel MY Alpha hold me closer and growl at the other Alphas in a dark voice, "Mine."

My body stiffens as I realize whose voice it is. I turn around slowly opening my wild eyes and look up at my one and only enemy, Carson Jaspers, The Alphas Son. Next in Line for Alphility.

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