"Hes such a dick" i say.

"No hes not, he was just upset" Jack says.

"Whatever" i sigh.

"Why dont you just go to sleep" he says.

"Okay" i say giving him one last kiss then fall asleep.


I wake up and slowly attempt to get out of bed but Jack just pulls me back.

"Jack we have school" i laugh.

"Cant we just skip it!" He groans.

"Graduations in like a week or two" i say.

"Fine!" He says and gets out of the bed.

"Your eyes still pretty bad" i tell him.

"Great" he says.

"But i still love you" i say standing on my toes and kiss him.

"I love you too" he smiles.

We put on our uniforms and i do my hair and makeup. I straighten my hair and put it in a ponytail to the side.

"Could you put my necklace on?" I ask.

"Of course" he says and puts it on me.

I put of a pair of black vans then we go downstairs for breakfast.

I take out two bowls and fill them with cereal and give one to Jack.

"I could take you guys to school" Sam says but i dont respond. We just finish our cereals and go to my car.

"Ill drive" Jack says and i toss him the keys.

We get to the school and Jacob already sees me.

"Are you and Jack going to prom on Saturday?" He asks.

"Proms already this week?!" I ask and he nods.

"I guess" i say.

"Cool! I dont know who im going with yet" he says which automatically reminds me of becca.

"I know someone whod love to go with you" i say.

"Who?" He asks.

"Do you remember Becca?" I asked.

"Like the girl who was at lunch the other day?" He asks and i nod.

"She was pretty hot, i might ask her" he says and we go to class.

I sit down in my seat next to her. Class starts then.

"Mr. Whitesides, would u mind passing back the tests?" She asks him.

He passes around all the tests except Beccas. Finally he gives it back. It had her grade but it also said "flip over." She flipped it over and written across the back were four letters. P-R-O-M? She screeches and jumps up hugging him saying yes.

"Mr. Whitesides, Ms. Jacobs, care to explain?" She asks. They shake their heads and sit back down.


I walk with becca to lunch and we sit by the guys again. They announced the prom court.

"Nominations for Prom King are.... Jack Gilinsky. Jacob Whitesides. Jack Johnson. And Aaron Carpenter" they say which was mostly everyone at the table.

"Congrats guys" i smile. I dont care for the girl nominations bc im not on it. They name a bumch of fake plastic girls but then i hear a farmiliar name. "Trinity Jones" she says and i get so confused.

"I didnt even run???" I ask.

"Neither did i???" Jack says.

"We put your names on the ballots" Jacob says.

"And your gonna beat those plastic asses!" Becca says.


Schools finally over and i get in my car.

"I have to go dress shopping. Are you coming or do you wanna go home?" I ask.

"Ill come" he says and i start the car. I drive over to the mall and we go to windsor. I look at all the dresses and finally find the right one. It was a long flowy strapless royal purple dress with a bedazzled belt.

I try it on and come out by Jack to show him.

"Holy shit" he says and his eyes almost pop out of his head and i laugh.

"Do you like it?" I ask and he nods.

I change back into my regular clothes and we go buy it.

"$160" she says.

"Okay" i say getting out my card but jack stops me.

"Ill pay" he says.

"Are you insane?" I ask him as he swipes his card.

"Yep" he says as i take the dress and leave.

We go to the food court because im starving. We both get panda express.

"Your starting to get your bump already" he smiles.

"Thanks for calling me fat" i laugh.

Then i look down and do notice im starting to get a baby bump.

"Oh shit! I have a doctors appointment today!" I say. We throw away our food after we finish and Jack drives me to thte doctors.

I check in and then the Doctor calls me.

We follow him to the ultrasound room and i lay on the bed.

"Are you excited to find out the gender?" He asks.

"We already find out today?" I ask and he nods.

I lift up my shirt and he rubs the gel on me and puts the machine on my stomach and moves it around.

I look over at Jack whos sitting there nervously and i laugh.

"Well the baby looks very healthy and its.... A boy" she says and i smile and cry and laugh at the same time.

I look at Jack whos smiling really big.

"Would you like a copy of the ultrasound?" He asks and i nod.

He exits the room to get a copy.

"I was hoping it was a boy" he says and i laugh. I look down at my stomach and smile again.

The doctor comes back with a copy.

"Thank you" i smile and we walk out.

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