Chapter 13

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As soon as Mr.Beckman ends the session i stand up facing Jack and hug him really tight.

"Dont worry, im getting you out of here" Jack says.

"Do they allow visitors?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Ill ask when i leave" he says.

"Well if they say yes, visit tomorrow?" I ask and he nods.

"Of course babe" he says an i smile.

"Did you meet andrew yet?" He asks me and i nod.

"Good" he says.

"Trin? Im sorry but this room needs to be cleared for the next session, ill help you back to your room" a nurse says and i nod.

"Bye" i say hugging him then walking away.

As i walk through the halls theres some discussion about a new guy. As soon as i see Andrew i asks.

"Hey whats this about a new guy?" I ask.

"Some new crazy murderer being admitted. He calls himself the ripper" he says.

"Oh ive heard of him. Isnt he the guy who like rips off body parts then puts them back together at the crime scene?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah they finally caught the guy" he says.

Everyone scurries to the main door.

"Guess thats him" Andrew says.

As he walks up the stairs i get a tingly feeling. Hot damn that boy is sexy. What am i saying this guys a nutjob and i have a boyfriend but i cant seem to tear my eyes away from him.

As they admit him i learn to know his name is Carter Reynolds.

His room is right next to mine.

As soon as the guard leaves him theres a knock on my door. Carter.

"Hey" i nervously say.

"Youre scared arent you? Damnit! Im not here to kill you! Youre too pretty to die" he says.

Is this a type of flirt?

"Thanks, well im Trinity, but u can call me Trin. Admitted for suicide." I say.

"They actually admit u if you commit? Wow that sucks" he says.

"Yeah" i say.

"Well im Carter and well, i guess you already know my story" he says and i nod.

"Wow your the only other normal person in here, everyone else are lunatics" he says.

"Well i mean technically your a lunatic too" i say.

"Good point. Well ill see you tomorrow" he asks and i nod.

"Yeah see you tomorrow" i smile as he leaves.


I skip breakfast and sleep until i get called down for lunch. As i walk down the hall all of the tables are filled except the one Carter sits at.

I attempt to sit next to him until i get stopped by the guards.

"Honestly? What? Am i not allowed to make friends in this hell hole?" He asks and a small laugh escapes me.

The guards back away and allow me to the table.

Im about to sit down until i hear Andrew yell my name.

"Hey trin! Come sit by us!" Andrew says.

"Um no thanks, im good here" i say and sit down.

"Why arent u sitting with ur little suicidal friends anyways?" Carter asks.

"Well that sure isnt going to help u make friends here" i say picking up my sandwich.

"Your right. Sorry." He says.

"And because i mean we're both the new people here right? So why not?" I say and he smiles.

"Right" he says.

His smile lit up his entire face and i couldnt help but smile a bit too.

All of a sudden we hear a ton of screams.

"What the hell was that?" Carter asks.

Then the two guards come and pick him up.

"What are you doing?!" I ask.

"Theres been a murder to one of the patients. Head and legs ripped off. He gets the chair" they said.

"Thats impossible! Hes been here the entire time! And hes had guards by him 24/7!" I say but they ignore me.

"Hey! Let him go! He didnt do anything!" I yell.

"Trin ill be fine" he says.

"Why are you torturing him for being innocent?!" I ask but they already walk out the doors.

Tears form in my eyes with anger.

I storm out of the lounge when lunch is over.

"Hey" Andrew stops me.

"Just stop! Just leave me alone and dont touch me!" I say pushing him out of the way and storming into my room.

All day i hear screaming and cant stop thinking about what theyve been doing to carter. I even threw up once thinking about it. I skipped dinner, of course. Just waiting until Carter comes out.

Finally when he does he walks into my room.

"Oh my god are you okay?! What happened!" I say hugging him.

"Ouch. Still sore. But im fine thanks" he says then i realize i was still hugging him.

"Oh uh sorry" i say stepping back, blushing.

"Its okay" he laughs.

"Did it hurt?" I stupidly ask.

"Getting rapidly shocked by a shit ton of watts for 3 hours? No not at all" he says and i roll my eyes.

"I know u didnt do it," i say.

"Its okay, just forget it, its over" he says.

"But carter, you just got tortured and u didnt do anything! And-" i say but he stops me by putting his lips on mine.

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