001; maknaes

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Moving from your hometown to Seoul had been rough; leaving behind your home, the life you knew, your friends, your parents. But you just knew you had to take that offer, the amount of money you would be making would be more than enough to send money back home and some for yourself. Not to mention that you would, on an almost daily basis, be styling.

Styling is something you have adored since infancy, always throwing together clothing into something appealing. At the age of six you had learned how to sew, and by 16 you were beginning to put together styles that would start trends through out your school.

Selling articles of clothing is what had helped you go through University as a fashion major, minoring in cosmetology. Fresh out of university, you had been wondering where next? And not even a week after, you had received an email from Big Hit Entertainment. They were looking for fresh new stylists and were particularly fond of your portfolio.

That summer, you were off to Seoul, to become a stylist for a group they were to debut, Bangtan Sonyeondan. As far as you were concerned, it was a group consisting of seven boys, all younger than you. You'd be lying to say you weren't a bit worried, you had never majorly styled for boys, but you were committed.

Arriving to Seoul was exciting, as soon as you stepped into the airport, you had been escorted into a black van and driven to the office building. You had arrived in the evening, so Gangnam-gu had been buzzing with street life. The loud chatter, constant honks, and colorful advertisments is something slightly foreign, but you had a feeling it would grow on you.

On one of the higher floors, you and other stylists were recieving instruction. It had been fairly simple, no information about the new group should be spread, keep discretion, be good at what you do.

When the day came to meet the boys, you were nervous. What if they don't like me? What if they throw fits? What if I'm not got enough for this? What if- Soon enough their were seven boys standing infront of you and the other stylists. The oldest seemed maybe a year younger than you, the youngest probably hadn't even finished school yet.

"Hello, we are Bangtan Sonyeondan."

The tallest introduced the group, all of them looking reasonably shy. You had to refrain from giggling a bit, instead settling for a warm smile. You may not have realized, but that smile eased the boys' nerves a bit, and would become foundation of trust between you.

"Taehyung-ah!" you shouted from across the dressing room. "I just did you hair, stop running around."

It had officially been a year since you started you job and you adored it.... well, most of the time. It was times like this where you questioned whether you should strangle the member, or yourself.

"Jungkook, if you don't stop chasing him right now I swear-" but the boys would not listen. "I'm going to quit." That made the two maknaes stop dead in their tracks. You smirked, as you knew that they would come crying if you kept it up.

"Noona, we're sorry! Please don't quit." Jungkook said, his nose scrunched in his signature bunny face.

"Yeah, Noona, please!" Taehyung also pleaded.

"Hm... I heard that EXO is looking for a new stylist, I might have to check with Hwan-oppa." You continued to tease.

It was clear how the name of the other band affected them, the thought of losing their Noona to them was completely unacceptable. Jungkook's doe-eyes widened and Taehyung began to pout, both scrambling towards you. You were quickly sandwiched between the two boys. As they looked up at you, you could see tears begin to form in their eyes.

"Hey," you cooed with an ache in your heart, "don't you dare start to cry, your makeup will run."

The boys have a slight giggle, which you smiled fondly at. Tenderly, you placed your hands on each of their backs to give them a reassuring rub.

"You won't actually leave us, will you, Noona?" Jungkook asked, unsure.

With a gentle smiled you replied, "Of course not, Kookie." The use of the nickname was enough to bring a smile onto Jungkook's face.

After the two had settled down, you sat down and took a breather. These boys sure could be a handful, but you wouldn't have it any other way. Soon enough, the boys were being called to go on stage, and you gave them a wide smile.

"Make Noona proud."

Heyo guys, sorry that it's so short and that I took so long, I didn't have much motivation to write. I think I might give a few short chapters of like bonding before I get to the actual story. Hopefully you enjoy.

Until next time :)

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