chapter 5

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My alarm buzzes directly in my ear causing me to jump. I know I shuld be used to it by now, but I guess im just an idiot or something.

"Joseph! Get your ass down here or we're leaving without you!" Alex- my roommate- yells from down the hall. We share a small apartment and split rent. Just two bedrooms, a kitchen, and living room. Its not much but its more of a home than I've had in awhile.

"Hold the flippity flappin phone I am coming!" I run around my room like a chicken with its head cut off. Alex wont leave me, at least he never has in the past, but its fun to run around in a small space. I am bouncing off the walls. After getting dressed, I grab the soccer bell running out to the living room. Right past Alex, and out the door.

"Jeez slowpoke hurry up we are wasting precious daylight!" I yell from in the hall. I can practically hear him roll his eyes from down the way as he slowly saunters out. "You know walking like a cool kid isn't gonna help when no one can see you right A?" He grabs his bag from off his shoulder and heaves it in my direction. I do a little prance hop jump thingy to avoid being hit and laugh. "You are a weakling. How can I possibly be your friend?" I tease to him walking backwards.

"Because I pay for your food?" He asks trying to suppress a smile.

"ah, yes that is correct."

"The real question is why do I pay for your food?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"Uhm because you're my friend!" I start jogging down the street before he can respond. I can hear muffled yelling at me from him but I don't mind. I just want to run. Picking up my pace, I begin to run rather than jog. Passing by people who have to swerve out of my way to avoid being hit.

"Sorry!" I call to them as I run by. Picking up my pace even more, I blow into a full out sprint. My legs and arms heaving back and forth helping me gain more speed. My lungs burn after running this far, I know I've hit my wall. Something every runner does after awhile of sprinting hard. Something not all runners can do is get by it. I push even harder, even faster, my lungs expand to full compacity and release. I sweat. My muscles scream at me to stop. But then- I pass it. I'm through the wall, pushing as hard and as fast as I can. I let out a holler or joy closing my eyes pleased with myself for getting through. I then realize, closing your eyes while in a full out sprint in public- not the smartest thing. I open my eyes again right as I come face to face with someone else. I collide with them, knocking us both on the ground. Now what a normal person would do is begin apologizing. Its an uncomfortable situation no doubt. But me, when I'm in an uncomfortable situation, I laugh. I can barely contain my laugh- so I don't. I begin chuckling and rolling onto my back off of the person. I look over to the person I hit in-between laughs to see a girl about my age chuckling too.

"I'm so sorry for hitting you. My fault completely." I say to her sitting up.

"Well no shit its your fault," She says sarcastically but still smiling. It looks genuine. "but really its alright. I probably should have been looking out for people running full speed with their eyes closed." She stands up dusting herself off from the dirt on the pavement. There's still a wide smile on her face, no judgement, no anger, she looks completely happy.

"Even though yes, you probably should have, I'm still sorry..."

"Riley. 'I'm still sorry Riley.'"

"Joseph Naveen at your service." Riley chuckles offering her hand to help me stand up. I take it gratefully and pull myself into a standing position.

"As much fun as this is Joseph, I really need to get going." She starts jogging backwards away from me slowly. "It was nice meeting you!" She calls back to me, and in the process, running into several people. I hear an, 'I'm so sorry!' come from her to the people around. She smiles at me again sheepishly, turning around the right direction, and continues running towards some place.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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