chapter 1

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Sarah M. Hart

It was my twentieth birthday. Everything was supposed to go perfectly… I had the perfect guy, the perfect family, the perfect friends, the perfect… everything. The room packed full with everyone who loved and adored me. My boyfriend, Mark James standing by my side. Emily Capa, my best friend since grade school, on the other, lighting my candles.

“Happy birthday Sarah!” everyone screams as I blow out my candles. I’ve been the popular girl since I got my hideous braces off and went through puberty. It’s been pretty straight forward since then. Top of the class, head cheerleader, most popular girl in school, girlfriend of the quarterback, valedictorian, scholarships galore. I had everything id always wanted. Everyone's lives were just beginning to settle down after the incident. Five murders in a town right outside ours. No one would have guessed something like that would have happened anywhere near Paradise Ohio. Our quiet quaint town was shaken up with everyone on their toes wandering if it would happen again. The culprit never caught, but was named.

Saw. Originally named Setrakus Ra, but was given the name saw after his countless gruesome kills. I wasn't shaken though. He only takes sinners. This is Paradise. The worst “sin” that's been committed was shoplifting a piece of chalk. I don’t really think that counts as enough to get you locked up in an old abandoned house and tortured.

John H. Smith

January 28- Just another day in the auto shop. Business running slow as usual. We make it by though, me and Henri. I check the inventory for the fifth time today, bored by my own boredness. Then that sharp pitched tone of the telephone bursts through the quietness. Henri picks it up.

“Hello, Smiths auto repair how may I help ya?”

I could hear a muffled response of a woman through the other line and the scratch of Henri's pencil over the paper.

“Got it! I’ll head over with the tow truck right away.” And the click to hangup.

“John some girls car broke down on the side of the road a couple miles out. She needs a tow and maybe a quick fix. Can ya hold down the fort while I’m gone?” I give him a quick salute in response while he's walking out of the door. As soon as he’s gone I turn up the music loudly. County blaring through the speakers. I dance around the shop laughing to myself at how much of an idiot I must look like. I would never do anything like this with other people around. I’ve always been taught to blend in. That's kinda difficult when you're dancing around looking like a monkey on crack.

“Well that’s something you don’t see every day.” A woman's words with an australian accent find their way through the music causing my to jump in the air. Henri goes over turning down the music with a grin on his face. I look towards the door where the woman's voice came from, and see her. She's around five nine in height, olive skin, beautifully curvy in all the right places, light grey eyes that are brought out by her contrasting skin tone, her long wavy black hair tied up in a ponytail like it usually is. I recognized her as Maren Jane Elizabeth. We haven't technically met but I know her from high school. We had a couple classes together, I remember seeing her at lunch sometimes sitting outside by herself. She was always the beautiful mysterious loner that all the guys wanted but could never get to her. I've always had a crush on her. And now. She's in our auto repair shop. And just saw me dancing like a lunatic. Great job Smith. Great first impression.

She only smirks at my expression and follows Henri over to the counter.

“This is gonna take awhile to fix, do you want me to get you a car or something? Call you when it’s all finished?” He asks her.

“Nah, I’m kinda far out from here and it’d just be a waste of money to go back and forth. I’ll just hang around here until it’s done.”

“Absolutely no problem ms…”

“Elizabeth. Maren Elizabeth”

“Hey i’ve heard of you! My son- John- right over there, has told me about you!” I shoot up from my seat. Heat rushing to my cheeks. She doesn’t even know me! She never has talked to me oh my god. She’s going to think i’m insane.

“He… has…? Er- how..?”

“Because- because I saw you in gym in senior year, and I uhm told him, you were a great sports… player…”

“..You were in my gym class?” Great. She literally has no clue who I am. That’s even creepier. I stay quiet unable to find words. Neither can she. She just raises her eyebrow asking for more details. Lookin kinda creeped out.

Henri finally breaks the silence, “well uhm… here I have some magazines and clearly some music and uhm… yep” She nods awkwardly and sits down. I stare at her. Of course. She looks over at me at that exact moment. Noticing me creeping.

“You gonna come over and talk to me or stand over there like a stalker?” I slowly walk over to her and take a seat.

“Wanna explain to me why I’ve never once talked to you before yet your father seems to think we’re best mates?”

“Uhm.. well we went to highschool together, and I've seen you before, and I guess… I might've said something about you to him before?”

“Okay I guess. This is what you're doing now?”

“..Just like that? You're alright with that??”

“I mean, it's fine. I didn't really talk to anyone so I guess I'm more just a little shocked someone knew who I was.”

“...What do you mean you're shocked someone knew who you were? Everyone knew you Maren. Every single guy in out highschool had a crush on you and wanted to be with you. You were basically the most popular wanted girl in school.” She stares at me questionably and then bursts out laughing. She looks even more stunning than usual.

“I hated high school. I hated every single person in highschool and had no friends. I was a-”

“Loner? That's why they wanted you.” A slight blush crawls onto her face.

“Anyways… How's life after Paradise high treating you?”

We keep talking the entire time she was at eh shop. We talked about highschool and friends and family and relationships. It was amazing how much we had in common.

“Alright Maren,” Henri says. “your cars all good to go. Everything's in top shape.” She gets up smiling and gets her car keys from him.

“Thank you so much!” She pays him then turns back to me. “It was nice meeting you John Smith, call me sometime.” Maren tosses me her number then walks out smirking.

“...See ya later” I say mumbling to no one.

(First chapter out, woop! Comment what you guys think of this new story plot. Do you like it, think it's interesting, or any suggestions on how to make it better! For the first couple chapters they're going to be very long because it's going to be background to the characters before they're captured. I'm going to make this from many characters POV's but for the start it's not gonna be any horror or Gore, and yes, this story is going yo have Gore. Just a fair warning. Comment what you guys think and hope you like it!♥️)

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