Chapter 4

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(hey sorry guys, I just wanted to tell you that even though i'm doing a lot of POV's, i'm used to writing for Maren/ Six, so a lot of this story is going to be based around her. It isn't souly going to be around her, all the other characters have just as significant parts in the over all story but I do think i'm going to connect her to a lot of the characters. Thanks!)

Samuel Goode

I sit at my desk, hands shaking. I'm almost positive I feel a bead of sweat drip down my nose onto the floor. My heart races and I don't think I'm even breathing.

"Refresh refresh refresh" I mumble to myself over and over again. My future could come up any second. The score to my final deciding if I'm good enough for an internship or not. If I am- then I have my entire future ahead of me. If I'm not- well shit.

Refresh. Refresh. Refresh

The results were supposed to post at exactly 10 pm. It is 10:01. I dont know what they would do that to us. Lying bastards. My heart pounds. They did this on purpose. I think to myself. Assholes.

I refresh one more time. And pop. the results are in. They only take the top five test scores out of 75 people taking the test. They only take 5 people out of the countless amounts of applications and tests taken. Taking a deep breath, I scroll down finding the five people accepted.

Bridget Carson.

Julian Peters.

Maren Elizabeth.

Jackson Myers.

Samuel Goode.

"I made it..." I mumble to myself. Shock settles over me. I can't tear my eyes away from the screen thinking that if I do, my name will suddenly disappear from the list. "I... I made it. I FUCKING MADE IT! I got accepted!" I jump up finally breaking the staring contest between me and my screen. I made it. I whoop for excitement. This can not be happening. I passed the test setting up my entire future. If you pass this, it guarantees you get a spot as an intern for Google. And if you get an internship with Google, the number one ranking exclusive internship, you're almost guaranteed to be set for life with a job there or basically anywhere. I made it to the internship.

I read over the list one more time- just to make sure my eyes didn't deceive me. Except this time, I take a closer look at the names listed. This is the list of the top five people, the ones accepted, out of all the applications. Of course I didn't expect to see a name I recognized- especially someone by the name Maren Elizabeth.

It could be a different Maren Elizabeth, I think to myself, what are the odds that Maren Elizabeth, the girl I've been crushing on since she moved here at the start of high school, got accepted to the same exact exclusive, only five people accepted, internship. Not possible.

I shake my head, not even Maren can clear my mind right now. I'm going to be googles intern.

Holy. Fucking. Shit. I think smiling to myself.

Maggie Hoyle

Sitting alone in the coffee shop. An average Saturday. I take a sip of my hot chocolate enjoying the taste much more than coffee- its too bitter for my personal liking. Taking a quick look around checking to see if anyone I know is here, which wouldn't matter one way or another, I go back to reading my book. Fahrenheit 451. I know its odd for a 20 year old to be reading alone on a Saturday night in a coffee shop, hell that's weird for anyone, but it isn't like I have anything better to do. My closest friend, Hannah, is out of town for a college tour. Yes, she might've begged me to come saying if I applied to this college, I could be number two on campus. Obviously her being number one. I just shook my head blushing slightly.

"I cant... you know I have to go to school in Paradise for my-"

"Yes Mags I know. You have to stay here because your brother cant supply for himself. Even though he is 27." She added. A bite to her tone. I had just calmly shook my head not wanting to get into this argument again.

Now, since I didn't go with Ms. number one, I'm stuck alone on Saturday night.

My phone buzzes, I reach quickly for it wondering who would be texting me. The only person who ever talks to me is Hannah and her phone died about an hour ago at some party.

Hey mags. its from a random number I've never seen before. I have absolutely no clue who it could be considering I haven't given my phone number out to, well, anyone.

Who is this? I reply back with. I don't mean to seem rude, just curious.

We'll just say I'm a friend. They text back quickly. Way too quickly for my liking. I pause unsure of how to reply. I want to ask again but its clear that whoever it is isn't gonna tell me. I take another sip of the warm liquid letting it drip down my throat while I think of what to say. Oddly enough, I don't have to think more. I get another text from the number. When opening it, I audibly gasp. My heart rate picks up.

What's a beautiful girl doing sitting alone in some boring coffee shop reading on a Saturday night? They ask. I turn my head around examining the residents in the shop. No one that I have ever seen before in my life. Infact- there's only three other people in here with me. None of them on their phones.

Who are you?? I ask again suddenly worried. Hannah??? Is this you? It isn't funny. I say hoping this is just her pranking me.

Guess again Red. They say almost immediately. I stand up, my legs feeling shaky as I try to calm down my nerves. Its just someone pranking you Maggie. You're being paranoid. Its just someone pranking you... I look back at the messages again reading them over. Walking towards the door, I type out a message to the person.

Who the hell are you?! Just leave me alone. I hit send at the same time as I open the door.

I just want to get home and go to bed. The cold night air hits me like a wall. I keep staring down at my phone waiting for the person to respond. I hear a noise to my right and turn towards it quickly. My eyes follow the line of cars and trees just beyond them. No one stands there though. Its just my imagination. I'm just scared.. I tell myself picking up the pace to my car.

By the time I'm about ten feet away, I'm in a full sprint. I keep hearing movement behind me- but no one is there. The lot is completely empty besides me and the cars. I finally reach my car and get in locking the door. I still haven't gotten a message back from whoever was texting me. Frankly, I'm relieved.

I jam my key into the ignition turning my car on. Right as I'm about to pull out of the lot. Something suddenly moves in my backseat. A scream erupts from my lungs as I scramble to open my car door. It wont open. The hand from my backseat covers my mouth holding it there. A white rag comes over my nose, smelling like alcohol and chemicals. My breathing is erratic still as I try desperately to scream, break the window, get the door open- Something... a tiredness suddenly falls on my shoulders. I cant keep my eyes open. I feel so weak all of a sudden, not able to fight anymore. As much as I beg my muscles to move so I can be free, they wont. I close my eyes- sleeping falling over me like a brick to the head. I hear movement still. The person sits in the passengers side, sharp pinch goes into my arm. I open my eyes for a brief second seeing a needle being pulled out.

My head falls to the side, and my eyes trail up to the person who drugged me. The mask over their face startles me even more. White with red swirls on the cheeks, deep red black eyes, the color of blood... His voice still startles me, electronic... I've heard this voice before- all over the news months ago...

"I want to play a game."

One last word escapes my lips. One I've heard many times. A name known by all. "saw..." I whisper- right as a burlap sack is pulled over my head, and I pass out.

Lorien Legacies: SAW; Escape.Where stories live. Discover now