1-5: Toxic Waste

448 8 3

Malibu, California

Tony Starks Mansion


Astra walked over to Pepper and Natasha, who were hard at work, with a bowl full of pretzels. She took a seat close-by and listened to what they were doing. "Yes, but the fundamentals of the company are still very, very strong despite the events in Monaco." Pepper talked over the phone.

"Where is he?" Rhodey barged in, having some angry feelings towards his friend.

"He doesn't want to be disturbed." Nat told him.

"He's downstairs." Astra said right after Natasha, while munching on a pretzel.

"Well his continuing erratic behavior may lead many people to ask themselves, can this man still protect us?" The British lady on the tv spoke.

"Iron man never stopped protecting us." Pepper backed up.

Astra's phone buzzed in her pocket. Lifting herself up a bit, she grabbed her phone to look at the text message.

Chase- You busy?

Astra- Currently no, why?

Chase- You like milkshakes?

Astra- I do... She texted, furrowing her eyebrows.

Chase- Send me your address, I'll pick you up.

Astra- You do know I'm in California right?

Chase- Yea, I know.

Is this sketchy? The answer is 'Yes'. Is Astra thinking about going? The answer is also 'Yes'.

She knew it wasn't a smart idea to go, but she can take care of herself. She looked up at Natasha and Pepper, who didn't look like they really needed her there and texted Chase her location, wondering if this could be her Not Prince Charming.

In a matter of minutes he sent the 'I'm here' text.

"I'm going out." Astra announced, standing up from the couch.

"Where?" Pepper questioned her, looking up for the first time.

"For a milkshake. Don't worry I'll be back soon." She told her, tucking her phone in her pocket and walking out. Natasha and the young female made eye contact for a second. Somehow communicating through the one look. Astra walked out the mansion door and out the gate. Where Chase was waiting in a white mustang. Not surprising.

"That was fast." She commented as she took a seat.

"What can I say, my car is magic." Chase pat the steering wheel before putting the car on drive and taking off to the diner.

They spent 2 hours talking, laughing, and drinking their milkshakes. Astra liked him. They talked a lot about simple things, like movies, books, music. He was a very modern person. He listened to today's hits and preferred the movie over the book. While Astra preferred music from the 70's and preferred the book over the movie.

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