The Bright of Dawn

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Remus always felt he would never be able to have a normal life because of his being a werewolf, but when he got married all those feeling went disappeared. He was happy. Alana Masters was the best thing that ever happened to him. She was nice and understanding and she didn't care that he was a werewolf. She just cared about him. She had light blonde hair that was usually in a loose ponytail and calculating silver eyes.

Alana hadn't gone to Hogwarts. She had been home schooled. Remus met her when he went to a party that James and Lily had dragged him to, now he wondered if they had planed it out, but he didn't care. If they had then he was grateful. They had made his life complete. When they met at the party they instantly connected. When he looked back Remus could have sworn he saw James and Lily watching him with smiles out of the corner of his eye that night.

They had dated for three months before he proposed to her while they were ice-skating in January. She had instantly agreed with a squeal of delight. They were married that spring in a beautiful clearing in the forest by his house. Alana had always wanted an outdoor wedding. They only invited a small amount of people. Making it very private.

From that point forward everything about him life seemed better. Even the transformation didn't seem as bad as before. He could recover from it in just a day and he would be back to normal.

Sirius had also gotten married and he seemed just as happy as Remus.

Not too long after they had married Alana got pregnant at the same time as Christy, Lily, and Alice. Sirius and Christy had their baby first, a beautiful baby boy that looked a lot like Sirius, but had Christy's eyes.

Two weeks before she was to deliver, Alana came down with a severe case of the flu. Because of the pregnancy she couldn't take all the potions to completely get over it, so when she went into labor she was very weak. She died just minutes after her baby girl was born.

Remus couldn't take care of his daughter Jackie for month because he was so depressed, so Alice took care of her. She kept him updated on every little thing his daughter did. In a way he liked it. He didn't want his child to see him like this, so hearing about what she did would have to be enough. According to Alice Jackie was eerily smart for a baby. Alice said she got it from him.

When Alice went into labor at the same time as Lily he had to take Jackie back, but by that time he was much better. When he was he the wounds that had healed were ripped open again. She looked so much like her mother. It hurt to just look at her.

When his friends told him about the prophecy he had been shocked. He didn't want Harry, Harvey, and Neville to have to go through with killing someone, even when that someone was a murder himself. They looked so sweet and innocent. He hadn't been surprised that both families were going into hiding.

As soon as he hears the Potter's ward had fallen on October 31, 1981 he raced to their house, completely forgetting about his daughter, which was soon to be a normal happening. When he saw all the destruction he had panicked, but her calmed down when he saw that James and Lily were ok and that there was a small bundle in Lily's arms.

They had explained to him everything that had happened. How Voldemort was some now gone and Harvey had been the one to get rid of him. Dumbledore had dubbed Harvey the Boy-Who-Lived. Lily had given Harvey to Remus to hold and he felt happy when Harvey smiled up at him. This baby wouldn't hurt him with his looks. He wouldn't open healing wounds.

From that time on he jumped head first into helping James and Lily with Harvey, forgetting Jackie and Harry in the process. He didn't look at Jackie except when absolutely necessary. She just looked so much like Alana. He unconsciously shoved her away from any relationship he could have had with her. He neglected her, but he knew that if she were ever taken away from him it would feel as though someone ripped his heart out. He just tried to ignore that.

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