Waking up.

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I woke up that morning as I normally do. I got up and came downstairs and fixed breakfast for my wife and her friend. I called to let her know that breakfast was ready, and sat down at the table to wait on them. They both came down and sat down at the table. Jena spoke the phrase, "Time to wake up, Danielle." And with that, I was suddenly aware of everything. So many things felt SO weird and wrong. They were both sitting at the table across from me. So many things were going through my mind at the same time, I couldn't focus. I felt the silky nightgown against my smooth skin. *why was I wearing pink silk?* I could feel hair around my head and see some in my eyes. *How did I get long hair?* I looked down and saw something sticking out. *Are those boobs? How did I get boobs?* I reach down and feel that I still have a cock. The I feel that my boobs are definitely real. I am so shocked and confused, that I am speechless. And my wife can see the confusion on my face. She tells me to get up and go look in the mirror, and I do. And the image staring back at me, is an image of pure beauty. I look at the beautiful woman in the mirror, and after a few seconds, I realize that it is ME. I scream in shock. "Come sit back down Danielle. I will explain." I stand there for a few more minutes just staring in shock and disbelief. Then I go sit back down at the table. "I've had this planned since the day I met you. You know Melany right? Well, more on that later. Yes, I've had this planned all along. As you may not know, I'm a very skilled hypnotist. And you've been in an 8 month long trance. Melany and I have transformed you into the sexy feminine goddess you saw in the mirror. What you see is real and permanent. There is no trace of man left, except what's in your mind, and that will be gone soon enough." She sets a paper down on the table. The caption reads "Local man drowns in boating accident. His body still not found." "We set up your death. So, Darren Smith is legally dead. Melany here works at the courthouse. So, she has the power to do a lot of things." She sets down a birth certificate. Social security card. Drivers license. All with the name Danielle Smith. "No relation of course." She snickers. "Melany made all these and made them totally legit. So it is all 100% real and legal. You are Danielle now, and I have trained you to not answer to anything else. And not to worry. You have been properly educated in everything you will need to be a woman. You know how to fix your hair, do your makeup, walk in high heels, everything. It's all built in. So, you have nothing to worry about. I can tell by the look on your face, that you are still confused. Why I did this? Well, I got the idea in a class I was taking. Someone talked about long term trances and what they could do. So, using Melany here, I perfected it. Then I just had to find me a sucker. And that was you. I have been documenting all of this. And will publish it, and probably make a LOT of money. But that's not the only thing that's changed." And with that, her and Melany stand up. They are both very pregnant. Another look of shock on my face. "You're pregnant?" I ask. "Yes. I am. And yes, you are the father. You are the father of Melany's baby too. We are about 2 weeks apart. I am due in about a week, Melany in 3 weeks. If we have a girl, we will raise them to be dominant powerful women. And if they are boys, well, they will most likely see the same fate as their father. So, either way, they will be girls." Suddenly my brain goes into overload, and I pass out.

Waking up a different person. Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon