Part 3

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Valerie rolled her eyes as she spoke to me, "Sorry about Shannon. When it comes to Lux, she drools a lot."

"Oh my god, cram it!" Shannon laughed as she took a step back from Lux. Her face was bright red.

"What? You're literally drooling!" Valerie stuck her tongue out of the side of her mouth, "Just get married already! This is never gonna end until you two stop pretending you're 'BFFs' and start making some babies."

"Whoooaaa!" The guys laughed, except for Lux. He was busy turning white as a ghost.

"Val!" Shannon looked like she was about to panic.

"All you've been doing for the past couple months is whining that you've barely seen Lux. You miss him so much 'cause he's your future baby daddy!"

"First of all, you're a rat!" Shannon laughed, "Second, he is my best friend. I'm allowed to miss my best friend!"

"Wait." A guy named Roter interrupted, "Lux, you're like my brother. So if you had a baby that would make me like an uncle! That'd be sweet, man! Uncle me up, bro!"

"-Uncle Lavelle!" another guy freaked out at the idea, "I'd be uncle Lavelle!"

Lux made a face at Shannon, "Why are we friends with these people?"

She laughed, "I have no idea."

"Do it!" Greg shouted. He was Lux's loudest friend. He had red hair and freckles, along with a flask on a fast track to empty and an obvious crush on Valerie. "Your baby would be almost as cute as me and Val's."

Val rolled her eyes, "Actually, two hot people make an ugly baby, so their baby would be hideous. That's just science. And our baby would be invisible because me letting you would never freaking happen."

"Ouch!" Lavelle shook Greg by the shoulders. "Guess that's a 'no', dude."

"That's a hell no!" Roter laughed.

"Aw man! Come on, Val!" Greg sidled up to her, "You're a sexy cheerleader, I'm a sexy football dude. We're both smokin' hot gingers. It's meant to be!"

"I would rather sprout the mustache of a fully-grown man than to bear you a child, Greg."

"Damn!" Roter hollered as the other guys laughed.

Greg tried to laugh it off too, but it was easy to see he was embarrassed, "Okay. You're a classy lady. Perhaps a feat of strength is what you require before you bear my sons.

Men, I challenge you to the ancient sport of beer pong! One round, winner gets Val."

"Hey!" Val's mouth popped open.

"Okay. I'm in." Roter said.

"Me too." Lavelle nodded.

"You can't win me." Val shouted.

"You sit this one out, Lux." Greg frowned, "You might beat me at pong and I need this."

Lux put his hands up as he smiled at how serious Greg looked, "No prob, buddy."

"And no offense, bro," Greg pointed at me, "but you're new here and it wouldn't be cool if you won Valerie when you just met her, so you should probably hang back too."

Valerie threw her hands up in the air as Shannon tried not to laugh herself to death.

Greg winked at her, "Alright, m'lady, when I return I will be a champion, and you will be my soon to be baby momma."

"Hell no!" Valerie grabbed Shannon's hand and pulled her towards the guys, "I'm playing too. None of you are gonna 'win' me! I'll win myself!"

She looked back at Lux, pointing at me as she dragged Shannon behind her, "This new guy better be normal. We've got enough weirdo friends already!"

End of EternityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora