Chapter 3: "Dancing On My Last Nerve"

Start from the beginning

A woman came out a few minutes later. She had on a lose shirt and sweats. Her small amount of chestnut hair was tied back into a messy pony tail and her feet were wearing something that looked like ballet shoes, but not quite.

"Hello, I'm Felicia. I talked to a Hanna Marin on the phone...?" she looked around at the group.

Hanna stepped up, a smile on her face, and her hand rising up for a hand shake. "That would be me, hello."

"Hi, so you said you wanted to work out a ball room routine for your wedding?"

"Yeah, I know it's weird—"

"It's not weird at all, you'd be surprised to know how many people have the same exact idea as you" Felicia told her, warmly with a smile.

Hanna beamed at the brunette before turning around and tugging her soon-to-be-husband forward. "This is Caleb, the groom."

Felicia nodded polity, presenting out her hand to him "Nice to meet you."

Hanna turned around again, pointing her finger out "and that's Toby, Ezra, Emily, Spencer, Holden, and Aria," her finger danced around the room.

Felicia smiled broadly at them all. "And I'm going to assume this is your bridal party?"

Hanna nodded, "correcto."

Felicia laughed. Toby couldn't tell if it was real or not.

"OK have any of you had experience with dance before?" she asked the crowd.

Hanna butted in before Spencer could even open her mouth, "Spencer has. And Toby can't dance if his life depended on it" Hanna unnecessarily went on with a laugh.

Toby scowled, but only because he saw Spencer sneering out of the corner of his eye. He was surprised she hadn't went into full exact detail of how she won at state championships. The amount of times he heard her gloat about that was equivalent to the amount of gum he scraped off desks in detention. A lot.

"hmm, then maybe we should pair them up together."

Toby's denim eyes shot up at full blast. No way. Nope. No. He wouldn't do it. He couldn't do it. He already hated dancing enough as it was, but dancing with Spencer Hastings, that was just damn right cruel. He didn't even bother looking at Spencer, he knew she was probably wearing the same face of disgust as he. His eyes studied Hanna. She looked hesitant, weary of the decision. She knew they didn't get along. What was she waiting for?

"I think that would be a good idea."

This time even Caleb glared her down.

"Everyone else should get in pairings too," Felicia announced. "And obviously you two already know who you'll be paired up with." She glanced from Hanna and Caleb, with a bright smile that Hanna returned, but Caleb didn't.

As soon as the dancer walked away, Toby practically sprinted up to Hanna, along with Spencer.

"Hanna they will trip each other. They will tackle each other to the floor. Trust me!" Toby heard Caleb say as he went up to them.

"Hanna, um...I don't think this will work," Toby protested lightly.

Spencer stepped in. "Hanna, I really think you should rethink this."

Hanna groaned, facing all three of them. "Look, I already have enough drama in this whole thing with Aria and Ezra being broken up, and Holden and Aria hooking up, and damn it, I hate Aria and her drama. And Caleb just had to choose them both as his groomsmen. I don't need it coming from you two. Suck it up, and make nice because you're partners. Deal with it." She hissed.

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