Chapter 1. - Cuts, Clips and the colour Crimson.

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Chapter 1. - Cuts, Clips and the Colour Crimson. 

I tap my foot on the floor of the car to the beat of a slow placed song that I haven't heard before so my foot slowly tries to find the correct beat, when it is interrupted by my brother's voice.

"Mack, were here" My brother Emmett says pulling my headphone out of my left ear. I look up from my lap and look to my left where i see a sign. That reads "Welcome to Ravens River".

Little did my brother know, I was actually in this very town last night and not at a party that he now believed I was at with a few old friends from these parts which isn't an entire lie. I look past the back seat towards the trailer which had my motor bike on it and had my case strapped to it. I look down at my knuckles that are now wrapped from being split by my rings, my brother believes I just got into a fight and wrapped them for me last night.

Now looking a little higher at my wrist that are layered with scars, the jagged scar that lays embedded into the middle of my wrist, it being the only one of its kind made it most prominent, a stray tear falls from my dark dull eyes, I wipe it away before it could be seen it. I pull my sleeves back down, to hide my past that lays on each wrist mocking me with memories.

Never in my nineteen years of life did i want to come back to this town, i lived here until i was seven before my mother was murdered in our house and ever since I haven't stepped foot back here. Since my brother turns left and as he does i look into the back seat where Andrew and Sean my 'Body Guards' are sleeping with my precious little angel Delphine who is in a car seat in between them sleeping peacefully.

"Do you think you will be okay going back into that house?" my brother asks which draws my attention to the front of the car. He ask me because I was shattered when our mother died and couldn't look at anything she owned, or even be in the house.

"Yes I know that is a factor, but this isn't about me anymore, i want Del to grow up where i did, not just that Nathaniel is here" i say, turning my music off and putting my phone back into my pocket.

"Ok, before we go to the house you and the boys have to go for a tour around the high school, I'll take Elfie to the house, is that ok Little Boss?" My brother asks, i just give him a slight nod in approval.

I lean over into the back and tap both the boys' knees which wakes them up almost instantly considering they are light sleepers, i leave Elfie to sleep. Emmett pulls up into the school parking lot and the three of us jump out.

"Come on guys, Em is going to take Elfie home while we get registered and maybe even run into Nathaniel while we're at it" i say with a large smirk on my face. I grab my flat cap off the centre console. We jump out of the car and my short dark Pink hair dances along the back of my neck and face in the direction of the breeze. I pull out a hair tie and pull up the top half of my hair into a short pony tail. I than place my blue denim hat with pink and red rose printed onto it, on top my head trying to keep my hair out of my face.

"Yes Boss" They both say and we continue to walk towards to school.

We walk thought the halls which are extremely quiet, it's probably lunch, there was meant to be someone to meet us at the front door at 12:00pm

I pull my phone out at check the time which is currently 12:15, and begin to flip though my messages.

I look up to see the boys standing in front of me talking to someone who appeared to be in converse with the boys, i push past and see a guy with blondie, white hair which was styled up wards.

I already knew who he was, Samuel Carson age 18 and street name Zero. I only know who is criminal is, is because i did a background check on everyone and dug deeper to the people who have a criminal record.

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