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Lisa's Pov

When I woke I didn't know were I was the last thing I remember is Joey. JOEY! Joey punched me then I blacked out. Now I'm here, but were is here.

? - Are you awake?

Lisa - Joey?

Joey - Who else would it be.

Lisa - What's going on and why did you bring me here?

Joey - SHANE!

Lisa - What?

Joey - SHANE IS MINE BUT YOU TAKE MOST OF HIS ATTENTION!!! So I have no choice but to get rid of you.

Lisa - Wh-what are you go-going to do?

Joey - Kill you of course What else is there to do.

The way he was so causal in answering that it made me sick.

Lisa - May I ask a question?

Joey - Sure why not.

Lisa - Is this you first time doing this uh you know killing some one?

Joey - Yes actually it is! Now good bye.


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