What's wrong with me

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Shane's Pov

What happened to Joey, what did he mean when he said all that stuff. I'll have to figure that out later, right now I have to know what I will say to Lisa, she's going to be sad Joey didn't come.

Lisa's house

Lisa - Hey were is Joey?

Shane - Um... he couldn't make he uh had to go home to call his aunt she's in the hospital.

Lisa - Oh... We'll ok let's get started.

Joey's Pov

What was that I've never done anything like that before. I hope I didn't hurt Shane's feelings. These are one of those times I just want to cuddle with Shane. I wonder what he and Lisa are doing for dare Wednesday, just thinking about Lisa makes me so mad she thinks she can just .... whatever. I have to think of a way to separate her and Shane.

I stepped into my apartment and my roommate Meghan was already there. Meghan is the only person other than me and Cat that knows about my crush .

Meghan - Hey.

Joey - Hey

Meghan - What's wrong Joey?

Joey - nothing just the fact that I yelled at Shane.

Meghan - Why what did he do?

Joey - Nothing I was just jealous of all the attention he gives to Lisa, like she's some goddess or something.

Meghan - Wow Joey I never known you to be like that.

Joey - Me nether I just asked him a question he answered them I lost it. It was just weird.

Meghan - Do you think their's something wrong with you.

Joey - What no, do you?

Meghan - No not really.

Joey - What do you mean not really?

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