7: Death Is Only A Door.

Start from the beginning

>Isn't that why you proposed? Because I'm insane? And I make you just as crazy as I am?

>>You got me there.

"Sir?" I said as I tapped the older man, releasing Jeff's hand, "It was all my fault. I forced him to do this. It has nothing to do with grades or anything, it never did. He's just perfect for me and I'm perfect for him. I thought it was meant to be. So I proposed to him and he said no. But I put this ring on my finger anyways and I kissed him-"


"Shut up, Jeff!" I shouted.

>Sorry! I'll make it up to you later.

Jeff's facial expression rearranged into a strange mixture of displeasure and happiness. I can't describe it, even now, but I choked back a laugh. Jeff. What a silly guy.

"That is no way to talk to your professor, Aimee," Jeff said, trying his hardest not to laugh at my poor attempt of making the situation seem better.

Finally, the other man sighed, "Just go away. You're both annoying me."


"No," he said as he unlocked his office door. He held it open for both of us and Jeff slid into the room before me. He sat down in one of the chairs, sighing slightly. I guess this is what we had coming the entire time - how could I expect anything less?

Adam Lawson, the gold nameplate on his desk read. Interesting. Mr. Lawson then appeared in my vision.

"Now, Jeff, what the fuck is this?"

"Adam, you have to understand, this wasn't something that happened..."

He ruffled his dark hair as he looked back and forth between us, "I'm listening."

So that's when Jeff began talking - how we met when I was in high school, most of our relationship then (not including all the werewolf stuff because that would be a little awkward), the death of Matt, and how we'd gotten to where we were. He seemed cold, blinking only once. The dark red button up that he wore made him appear somewhat angry. But I doubt that he could be. We were just two kids in love.

But by the way he shook his head after Jeff finished, I could tell this would be a long battle.


 I opened up my laptop and went on Facebook. I laughed slightly at the request I had. "Jeff Seaberg. Engagement Request. Confirm / Ignore." I smirked and hit confirm.

That was a huge mistake! Oh my, I thought as my notifications started to blow up on the simple thing. So I just signed out. I giggled as I walked across the wood floors to the kitchen, where Jeff was currently cooking something and looking at his phone.

He just glanced over at me and smiled, "Oh."


"So, I was thinking. Well, no I already did it anyway," he said, "I invited my parents over to tell them... about our engagement. I also called up Sally, she said she'd be coming too."

I frowned, "Did you invite Ed too?"

"Sally said he was in rehab or something for a couple more days," he smiled, "I guess she finally got him the help he needed."

"Someone had to."

"Sally said that Jaxon was coming too?"


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