Please Don't Leave Me

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Hey there is some pretty harsh things In this chapter it involves self harm so do not read if your uncomfortable.

Mark's POV

I ran to her side. She was crying from the bullying.

M-"Are you okay?"

Y-"What do you think Mark!?" She shouted at my face.

M-"Im so sorr-." I was cut off

Y-"Stop! Just stop." She said as tears race down to the floor.

She got up and sprinted off into a random direction. I tried to follow her but she ran into the bathroom.

Your POV

I sprinted into the bathroom and I locked the door. I made sure no one else was in here. I clenched my fist and drove it through a mirror. As I did, glass fell to the ground. I looked at rather sharp piece. My mind filled with the nasty things they were spitting as tears blurred my eyes.

"They're right, you are a whore."
"Your stupid, ugly, no one will ever love you."
"They're just taking pitty on your dumbass."

Do it, Y/N. Nobody will love you if you don't. DO IT!

The voice in your head screamed, you decided to obey. You grabbed the shard of glass and placed it by your wrist. You made a slight cut. As the stinging sensation filled your body you craved more. You made five more cuts on your arm. As you looked down at the blood, tears dropped onto your wrist, making the thick, crimson liquid to drip onto the floor.

Mark's POV

I hear the sound of glass shattering. My mind jumped to the worst. I started to smash my shoulder into the door. Doing everything I could think of to get the door open. I heard sobs and screams. Jack and Felix began to help me with the door. We finally broke down the door, and when we did, I saw her lying there, her arm and shirt covered in blood. I rushed to her side. I saw the life get ripped from her. She fell unconscious, I cried her name. The paramedics rushed in taking her from me. They sprinted to their vehicle and they allowed me to come. Jack and Felix watched as we left the school.

As we rushed into the hospital I was pulled away from her. I was told I couldn't see her yet. I was in the waiting room when I heard my name, my head darted up to see Jack and Felix rushing toward me.

J-"Mark is she okay?"

M-"I-i don't.. know they won't say anything."

F-"Its okay Mark we're here for you."

M-"Thanks guys."

~~Small time skip~~

The nurse entered the waiting room and told us we could go in and that she was awake. We shot up and followed her into the room. I walked in seeing her laying there. I slowly walked to her side. Our eyes met.

Y-"M-mark?" She asked in a whisper.

M-"Y-yes?" My voice cracked and tears came down, falling to the floor.

Felix and Jack decided to leave the room so I could talk to her in private.

She grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. I heard her sob into my chest. I tightened my grip on her. She looked at me and what she did next.. it sank my heart.

Y-"I love you.. Mark." She fell unconscious. I began to freak out I spammed the help button by her table, doctors and nurses filled the room pushing me out.

Jack and Felix rush to my side.

J-"Mark what happend?!" Worry filled his heart.

M-"She said she l-loved me. Then she..." I started to cry.

I sat with my back on a wall. Jack and Felix comforted me.

Your POV

I looked to see nurses and doctors around my lifeless body. I walked out of the door to see Mark crying on the floor. Jack and Felix were comforting him. I slowly walked to him, I tapped his shoulder but no response.

Y-"M-mark?" I said hesatinly. But no awnser, what's going on? I continued to walk down the hallway. I see the people who pushed me around a few hours ago. I see a few of them crying. I wonder why..?

B-"I didn't think should would try to kill herself, I'm a terrible person." She sobs out.

Is she talking about me? Why does she care? Why am I seeing this? All of these questions filled my mind. I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn to see who it belonged to. It was my grandmother.

Y-"Grandma? I thought you died?"

G-"I did die."

Y-"Then why can I talk to you? A-am I dead?"

G-"Yes sweety, are you ready?"

Y-"For what?"

G-"To make a choice, come with me, or stay with your friends who love you very much?"

You think hard, leave and stay dead, or live with Mark, Felix, and Jack?

Y-"Gram I'm not ready to go. I love him, I can't leave him."

And with that your lifeless body filled with life. You gasped at the lost of air. Nurses still around you, saving your life. You look around at the plain white room, the only thing that catches your eyes is a sleeping Mark.


His head shot up and he ran to your side.


Y-"I believe I never got a response from you when I told you how I felt.."

M-"I don't believe you did. I love you too,Y/N."

You grabbed his shirt and pulled him in to a passionate kiss. You melt into him. MYou pull back gasping for air. You grabbed his hand and intertwined your fingers together. And with that you fell fast asleep knowing he was next to you.

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