Sneaking Out and Blacking Out

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"Addison!" my best friend Mary yelled in shock as I walked into the clearing. It was just after eleven on a Friday night and I had just arrived to Brett's full moon party, which according to my aunt and uncle, I was not to attend. Brett was probably one of the hottest guys I had ever met and he was currently single, so despite my aunt and uncle's wishes, I snuck out and came to the party. Recently we've been having security issues within the pack territory. There have been six attacks on pack members over the past three months and all but one have died, although the sole survivor isn't much help in solving the mystery as he's been in a coma for the past month. My aunt and uncle have been in full lockdown mode since the first attack and won't let me do anything without a chaperone or do anything after the sun goes down. I know they are trying to protect me but it's really getting annoying.

Brett's party was the third or forth time I've snuck out after curfew and I have yet to be attacked so I'm not too worried about whatever has been killing off pack members. Some people think it's a hunter, others think it's a rouge wolf. As the Alpha's "daughter" I constantly get asked for insider information on the attacks, and tonight was no different. As I sit on the edge of the small bonfire, sandwiched between Mary and another one of our friends Brynn, Brett asks from across the fire if I know what has been attacking the pack. "I honestly couldn't tell you. My uncle won't let me in on anything but I think its rouges" I explained to the group. "Well I heard it was wolves from that freak show of a pack up north" another person spoke up. "You mean the Graymark Pack?" Brett asks.

The Graymark Pack was the only remaining wolf pack who still followed traditional werewolf customs. Their pack was made up of fierce warriors trained to kill. Rumor has it that they are barbaric animals with little empathy. The scariest part about their pack is their alpha, Hagan Graymark. He is apparently borderline psychotic and has a thing for decapitation.

"You don't seriously think Alpha Hagan is lurking in the shadows ready to slaughter us all?" I said skeptical of the idea. All the girls seemed to slide closer together and got quiet at my comment. Brett saw their fear as an opportunity to look manly. "Don't worry guys, if the big bad Alpha tries to get you I'll take care of him" he said with a wink. The girls all giggled while I imagined a massive wolf ripping his head off, Brett wouldn't stand a chance against the Alpha of the Graymark Pack. Brett was just the son of a pack member, and he had no significant ranking in the pack. His lack of rank was the reason my aunt and uncle didn't approve of him. According to them, I was the daughter of an alpha and I deserved to mate at least a beta although I don't really care about rankings. I didn't see the need to mate with a beta, especially because we rarely do werewolf things in the pack. We are very human like, minus the fact that we take part in the mating ritual. However, my uncle feels he needs to honor my father's legacy by ensuring I'm mated to a strong wolf. I didn't tell the group but my uncle has actually been considering calling Alpha Hagan of the Graymark Pack in to take care of the issue. However, he's holding onto his pride and wants to handle the situation himself so he keeps putting off calling in backup.

Brett's party went on for a few more hours until I decided to call it a night. Luckily, Brett offered to walk me back to the house. We chatted quietly through the woods, talking about school and drama within the pack. Apparently, his ex girlfriend Macy cheated on him with his older brother Todd, who was also a God I might add. Todd was three years older than us and was already a highly ranked wolf. He placed at the top of his class and was a very well respected pack member. My uncle hasn't told me yet, but recently I've heard him talking to my aunt about arranging a date for the two of us. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to go on a date with Todd but he sure as hell isn't Brett. Brett is simply just a nice, genuine guy.

We were about a hundred feet from the edge of the woods that opened up to my backyard when Brett stopped walking. "I'm really glad you came tonight, that was fun" he said reaching for my hands. Here we go. I'm finally going to get my chance. "Yeah, so am I thanks for inviting me" I responded with a smile. I couldn't tell if he wanted to kiss me or not but he never got the chance. Suddenly the woods became eerily silent. All that could be heard was a low growl. I peered around Brett's shoulder, gripping his hands tighter in fear. He turned to look behind himself as well. Several feet away I could see the glimmer of two eyes. "Brett" I breathed out, moving in closer to him. There was a sudden rustle of the leaves and before I could register what was happening the wolf was on top of me. My head hit the ground hard enough to affect my vision. The last thing I heard was Brett screaming my name before the darkness took over. 

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