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Tagged by infireeess_mann

Ight so,,,,,ten facts

1.) I have an identity crises like, 2 times a year lmao. Right now it's "what the hell do I actually want to do with my life"

2.) I look younger than I actually am and I'm only 5'2 so my friend constantly calls me his "smol bean" and he's toll bean

3.) I've only been into kpop for like a year...and half of that year was just listening to bts. But now I've broadened my horizons a bit

4.) I'm super into physic abilities and stuff, I'm dying for some tarot cards

5.) I really love researching cultures and religions

6.) I literally don't have an ideal type. Not look-wise anyway. And personality wise the only thing I want is some one that won't be a binch

7.) I was a wiccan for a few months, but then I realized that I'm to lazy for religion.

8.) The first anime I watched was attract on titan. With my grandma. She's the one who recommended it lmao. And its odd, becuase then I went to my friends like "Omg y'all gotta watch aot it's so good" so I'm pretty sure it's my fault they all turned into anime nerds.

9.) I really love snakes. I talk to snakes like most people talk to puppies. I'm always like "hey little guy, look how cute you are"

10.) Oh god, the only reason I'm admiring this is becuase I'm out of facts and can't think of anything. Okay, so, the first fanfiction I ever wrote was a fall out boy one and it was like,,,,5 notebook pages.

I'm so ashamed it was the worst

Like even worse than "My immortal" becuase at least that one is funny. Mine was just cringy

It was in 7th grade though


Okay, I hope you enjoyed me exposing myself

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