chapter two.

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2. c o f f e e

I am sitting in the restaurant of the hotel me and Chris had stayed in. She had already left on an early flight because she had to work but since I am here anyway, I had decided to stay for another day and just wander around.

With one hand, I am holding a slice of toast with jam, and in the other I hold one of my favorite books of all time, Looking for Alaska. Even though I have already read the book multiple times, I always enjoy reading it.

Just as I am about to take a bite from my toast, someone walks up to my table. As I am caught up in my book, I hardly notice it, until the person starts speaking.

"Mind if I join you?"

I press my lips together before looking up at the blonde actor. "Actually, yes."

He grins before sliding into the chair opposite of me. "Thought so."

I sigh and close my book. Not only did he invade my personal space by showing up here, like some weird stalker, he also disturbed me while reading and that is just not okay.

"You didn't call me." He says after a few moments of silence, in which I purposely didn't say a thing.

"Did you expect me to?"

He chuckles, shaking his head. "You're really rude, did you know that?"

"And you really can't catch a drift." I roll my eyes. "So do you also stay at this hotel or is this some creepy stalking technique?"

"Wow, you really think the worst of me, don't you?"

"Shouldn't I?"

"What have I ever done to you to deserve this kind of attitude?" He says in a slightly whiny voice, leaning back in his chair.

That makes me laugh. "I'm like this to everyone so you shouldn't feel special."

"Great, that makes me feel a lot better." He shakes his head. "But that's not what I'm here for. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to grab some coffee, or something."

I make a face. "I don't know if you have noticed yet, but I'm not interested."

He grins. "Great! We'll meet in front of the hotel in an hour."

"What part about no do you not understand?" I say annoyed but he had left already.



He looks at me as I leave the hotel, as he was already standing outside. His blue-eyed gaze makes my cheeks heat up slightly.

"I'm glad you showed up. Do you have any idea how ridiculous I would have looked if you wouldn't have come?" He chuckles.

"Frankly, I don't really care." I mumble, running a hand trough my hair. "Now, coffee you said?"

He sends me a broad grin. "Yeah, come on. Me and the lads found a little place we can go to."

I raise my eyebrows but don't say a thing as I follow him, my hands tucked in the pockets of my jacket. And so we walk, for a couple of minutes, in silence.

Finally, we reach our destination. It was a small coffee-shop, somewhere in an abandoned alley. The name was in German, but it looked very cozy, with bright green curtains and bright colored walls. I roll my eyes.

"Seriously, how the hell did you find this?" I enter it and walk to a table for two, where I take off my jacket and sit down.

He shrugs. "We were looking for a place where we wouldn't find much fans so we could just talk and have fun, and the lady at the hotel suggested it to us. It's amazing, really. You should try the chocolate-cinnamon cupcake."

accidentally // dean o'gormanWhere stories live. Discover now