chapter one

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1. h o b b i t c o n

Being a fangirl is one of the best things in the world. Not only do I have a lot of things to be excited about, it also means I can make friends with people all over the world because we can fangirl over the same things.

Today, I will meet such a person. After months of online chatting, I'll finally meet my best online friend, Christina. We could have met earlier, as she was from Amsterdam and I was from London, but we both aren't exactly rich. This is a trip we both have saved for for months.


It is the perfect location for us to meet. There are lots of people and lots of activities so if it becomes awkward we don't have to sit in silence the whole time.

I am not a big time fan of the Hobbit. As a Tolkien purist, I much prefer just reading the books or watching LotR, as Peter Jackson hadn't fucked that up the way he has done with the Hobbit.

But that didn't mean I didn't enjoyed the movies, and it'll be pretty fun to meet other fangirls and take pictures with actors and all that stuff. I can never save enough money to go to America for Comic-Con anyways, so Hobbitcon is as close to a con as I will ever get.

Nervously rocking back and forth on my feet, I am waiting in front of the hotel in which Hobbitcon takes place and check my iPhone for the fiftieth time.

12.43. to: moon of my life
chris my boo where are you

12.43. to: moon of my life
i cant wait anymore i wanna meet you

12.43. from: moon of my life
look up my sun and stars and your waiting shall be rewarded.

My heart rate quickens because of the excitement as I lock my phone and look up, meeting the grey eyes of Christina.

She comes running towards me and almost jumps into my arms.

I laugh as I hug her tightly. It is great to finally be able to meet her after having spoken to her for so long. I pull away, smiling brightly as I am finally able to look her in the eyes.

"Well, hello there!" Christina speaks cheery, grinning widely. "I hope you are pleased to finally meet me?"

"Wow, yeah, totes. I mean, after all this time!" I laugh, running a hand trough my short hair.

"Always." She replies with a cheeky smile before taking my hand and pulling me with her into the hotel.

God, it was like we have been friends for forever.


"You again?"

I laugh slightly as I walk up to the actor to take a picture together. "Guess I just can't stay away."

Dean O'Gorman chuckles. "Understandable."

He looks at me as I position next to him in front of the camera, slightly awkward because I am unsure what position to take. Luckily Dean seems to know, as he easily wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"You have very nice hair." Is his comment as I awkwardly put my arm around his waist, eyes fixed on the camera.

"Thanks." I say with a smile towards him. "I grew it myself."

That makes him laugh, and he is still laughing as the picture is taken. At least I am now sure it wasn't be a fake smile.

I hadn't been certain if I wanted to spend money on a picture with Dean O'Gorman. I had already seen him this morning and to be honest, he wasn't my favorite kind of actor. Not really my type, too. I am more of a Richard Armitage kind of gal. But he had seemed quite nice this morning and Chris said she would kill me if I wouldn't take a picture with him.

accidentally // dean o'gormanWhere stories live. Discover now