chapter nine

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9. s u r p r i s e s

It's raining.

This is of course not a strange thing, when in London, but it still makes lots of people annoyed. Not me. I always immensely enjoy rain. Especially when I'm inside, with a good book and a cup of coffee. I'm at my happiest then.

And that is exactly what I am doing right now. I'm nestled into my couch, facing the window so every once in a while I can look up and watch the streams of rain cascade from the skies, and a book on my lap. Traitor's Blade it is called, a book I had bought the other day, and am enjoying right now.

Or was, as I am pulled from my reading by a noise coming from my phone.

I put down my book, pages down, and grab my phone. Dean. Of course.

Before unlocking my IPhone, I check the time. 6 pm. 6 am in New-Zealand.

6.05. From: dean the coffeebean
Waddup homegirl

6.05. To: dean the coffeebean
ew stop

6.06. From: dean the coffeebean

6.06. From: dean the coffeebean
How's life

6.07. To: dean the coffeebean
life was awesome

6.07. To: dean the coffeebean
till you interrupted me during my reading

6.07. From: dean the coffeebean
Oh god

6.07. From: dean the coffeebean
Will I get murdered in my sleep now?

I grin at his reply. Dean knows me so well, better than most. Not better than Chris, she knows me inside out, but still... I have told Dean most of my secrets, my stories, and he knows all of my crazy quirks. He's pretty great.

6.08. To: dean the coffeebean

6.08. From: dean the coffeebean

6.08. From: dean the coffeebean
But if you'll murder me you'll never know the surprise I have for you...

6.08. To: dean the coffeebean
you and your surprises

6.09. To: dean the coffeebean
okay youre safe now tell me

6.09. From: dean the coffeebean
Not now

6.09. From: dean the coffeebean
Will you be home tonight?

6.09. To: dean the coffeebean
dunno what time

6.09. To: dean the coffeebean
going to see a movie

6.09. From: dean the coffeebean
Oh, okay

6.10. From: dean the coffeebean
What time is it ended?

6.10. To: dean the coffeebean
around 11 but im going with ben so i might be a little later

6.10. From: dean the coffeebean

6.11. To: dean the coffeebean
tell me rn

6.11. From: dean the coffeebean

6.11. From: dean the coffeebean
I want to tell you on skype

6.11. From: dean the coffeebean
But I'm being Fili'd right now

6.12. To: dean the coffeebean

6.12. From: dean the coffeebean
Text me when you're home, alright?

6.12. To: dean the coffeebean
of course, my prince

accidentally // dean o'gormanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora