chapter ten

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10. n e w z e a l a n d

At least a day.

That's how long my flight to New Zealand is going to be. London, Los Angeles, Auckland. It's the longest flight I have ever been on, and to be honest, I'm not looking forwards to it. Sitting in a rather small room with strangers. Shudder.

Still, it will take me to Dean. And New Zealand.

I have never thought I would go there. Dreamed about it, sure. But going there? That would just be too expensive, and I don't have that kind of money.

But now, I'm going there. I'm actually going there, and I'm going there for someone. Someone pretty special.

I sit back in my chair, nerves knotted in my stomach. Dean has made sure I sit in Comfort Class, which is so nice from him. Honestly, I would've sat on the crew seats, if it would bring me to New Zealand.

My hands shake slightly as I take out my phone. Annoying. I didn't expect me to be that nervous.

06.35. To: queen dean
in the plane. departure soon. see you in a day :)

06.36. From: queen dean
Can't wait.


As the plane soars above the Atlantic Ocean, I find myself not being able to focus on anything. Not on The Winter Soldier that I was watching on the little screen, not on the article I should be writing for work... not even on the book I have brought with me! Instead, I find myself leaning against the little mirror of the plane, eyes fixed upon the white, bumbpy, marshmellow-like landscape of clouds that stretched as far as the eye could reach.

My mind wanders. To New Zealand, to Chris, to Ben, and to Dean. A smile appears on my lips as I think about Dean. Less than a day till I would be seeing him again. It does make me slightly nervous, something I hadn't expected. I mean, what's there to be nervous about? I am just seeing my best friend again.

Still, Ben hadn't been happy about the fact that I would be staying with Dean for three weeks. This annoys me so much, mostly because we have only been on five dates so far. We're hardly together. Also, for some odd reason he just cannot accept the fact that Dean and I are just friends. Cause that is what we are, right? I mean, Dean still jokes every once in a while, about us being together or dates, but jokes are just jokes and they mean little.

Chris has also been working on my nerves lately. My relationship with Ben seems to bother her. According to Chris, it's unfair that I am giving Ben hope for a relationship, when in fact that will never happen. It probably won't, but my reasons are different than hers. Her theory is, and I quote; 'one cannot fall for someone, when they are already in love.' Which is absurd, as I am not in love. Not with anyone. (except for Armitage, but he doesn't count according to Chris)

Whatever. I lean back in my chair, resting my head against the head rest and let out a deep sigh. My eyes scan the plane carefully. Most people are napping, or watching something on their little tv's. Everyone is at least doing something.

I can't help the groan that escapes my lips. I'm restless, nervous, and just icky. What is happening, I don't know, but it isn't good.

The girl sitting next to me slides off her headphones and meets my eyes with a gaze clouded in concern.

"Are you alright?"

I frown, not sure what to answer. I am alright, never better, actually. I'm going to the country of my dreams, where my best friend in the whole wide world is. Still, there's something about this trip that just doesn't feel good. And I don't know if something is going to happen, or if it was just a very bad idea to actually go there, but there's something that makes me restless.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2015 ⏰

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