"And now what do you think your doing?" He put his hands into his jeans pockets a smiled shyly, shyly? I must be imagining. 

"I was thinking I could come in and wait for you while you change." I blinked once, and then twice, then finally shook my head running my hand through my hair. 

"And why would I change?" He smiled fully this time making it reach his eyes.

"Because I'm taking you out." I thought about all the pros and cons as we stood in front of my house's door. Go with him to god knows where, or stay home and do nothing all day. I decided that staying in won't do me any good and opened the door motioning him in. 

"Stay in the living room, I'll go up and change and don't burn the house down." I left him standing near the living room and walked up the stairs. 

"Aren't you suppose to say that if you left me in the kitchen." his voice sounded a bit far since I was already on the second floor. 

"Whatever!" I yelled back, not sure if he heard me. I was so glad I took a shower and didn't smell like a monkey. I took out a pair of black jeans that had rips all the way down to the bottom, a white shirt with a cat face, and I put my hair up with the usual light make up. I looked over myself in the mirror and realized something. Did I just match myself to Alex? I shrugged and walked out my room and down the stairs. He won’t notice. 

"I ask for the millionth time today, what do you think your doing?" I looked at him. He was holding a picture frame of my grandfather and me together at the lake two years ago. 

"Who is this man?" His voice was faint, so I came closer taking the picture frame in my hand tracing it gently is if it were to break. 

"This is my gramps. We ditched my parents that day and went to the lake together." I chuckled at the memory and put the frame back on the table. 

"He sounds like a cool dude." He smiled and I smiled back. 

"He is." I wore my combat boots and locked the door behind me as I followed Alex into his car. 

"Don't think I didn't notice we are matching kitty." I blushed as I locked the door and ignored his gaze on me. 

"I don't know what your talking about.,” he laughed as he started driving. I never was in this car that I hated so much, its actually quite comfy. 

"You know ignoring the fact doesn't make you innocent right?" I looked at him rolling my eyes. It's not like I did it on purpose.

It was at least 15min before Alex stopped in front of this ice cream place and we got out. 

"An ice cream café? How cliché." I laughed as he grabbed my hand making me blush again. This was not a date why is he holding my hand? I looked around the café it felt homey and nice and the seats near the window that Alex picked also gave a relaxing sensation. 

"What may I get you two?" The waitress smiled at the both of us and I looked at the menu stressing on how many flavors there were. Why are there so many flavors? 

"I'll take the chocolate chip mint." He smiled handing her the menu and the girl continued to stare at me then looked at Alex.

"Why don't you be nice and help your girlfriend out?" I blushed shoving the menu in her hand. 

"I'll have the strawberry vanilla!" She stared at me and chuckled walking away. I was weirded out that she didn't try any moves on Alex it felt as if they were familiar with each other. 

"Do you come here often?" I looked at him expecting him to come up with some lame excuse on how he was too cool for a place like this.

"I only come here to clear my mind and it seemed like you needed just that kitty." He smiled a heart-dazzling smile and reached over patting my head making my heart skip a beat and that could only mean one thing, I need to run, now!

"I'm going to the bathroom." I stood up abruptly confusing him as I walked away to the bathroom. He does not get to do that to me. He doesn’t! I opened the cold water in the bathroom sink and washed my hands till they were ice cold, then held them up to my cheeks.

Calm down, he's just acting different, nice different, so it caught you off guard. I gave myself a pep talk and walked back to my seat seeing that my milkshake was already there. 

"Took you long enough, what was it your period?" he teased smirking making me glare at him even though I was smiling inside. I liked this Alex better, he didn't make my cheeks burn. I took a giant sip out of my milkshake and moaned. This is so good! 

"This is amazing!" I enjoyed the flavor in my mouth smiling as he laughed. 
            "What!" I was ready to protest but he shut me up with his comment.

"Do you always have sex with your food?" I looked at him trying to figure out what he meant. Sex? With my food? It's not like I had my legs open and... I stopped myself from thinking anymore-irrational thoughts and shook my head.

"I don't, I just enjoy it to the fullest." a wide grin spread across his face as he stood up and leaned forward whispering in my ear. 

"I know what else you can enjoy to the fullest." That damn bastard, my cheeks were burning again but this time with rage I wanted nothing more then to smack him right across the head.

The time passed by in no time as we joked, teased, and made fun of each other.

"I have to get home." I looked down at my phone it was already 5:30 I can't believe how fast the time went by. 

"Oh okay, I hope your parents won't be mad that I took you out without their permission." Wow he's even considerate today, miracles do happen. 

"I don't have parents, they passed away." I said looking down, I tried to not sound depressing but there is no way that those words could come out in a happy tone. He wasn’t replying, he didn't say sorry for your loss or called me horrible for being out here having fun when my parents are dead. Instead, he looked sad, almost depressed, I couldn't help but wonder why he looked like that. 
            "Let's get you home then." He smiled finally getting up. I got up too glad that the tense moment had gone and he's acting like he heard nothing. 

"Oh, are you going to the party?" I looked up at him and he shook his head no. 

"I have work to do, I stalled it enough as it is." It was weird knowing that Alex had stalled his work just to take me out for ice cream, and on my way home I couldn't help but feel happy that someone did something like this for me. 

"Well we're here." He stopped the car in front of my house, Emily's car was already in the drive way and she had a spare key, so she was probably already inside. 

"Thanks for today." I smiled then reached for the door only to feel his hand on my shoulder.

"Wait." I looked back at him and he was staring at me intently. The hand that was once on my shoulder was now on my neck pulling me in slowly as I closed my eyes I felt his lips press against my temple. 

"Have fun at the party." His voice was husky almost a whisper. I starred into his blue eyes that were always so light. They were a darker shade almost stormy. Of course Alex being Alex winked at me making me roll my eyes as I looked away getting out of the car and waving goodbye.

 Did Alex just kiss my forehead? I walked to the house in a daze unlocking the door and walking up the stairs into my room only to find Emily naked in heels in front of my full mirror. 

"EMILY!" I screamed covering my eyes and hiding behind the wall that's shared between my room and the hallway. Dear god was this a dream? Please make it a dream I can't take anymore!

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