Chapter Twenty-Six ~ The Lies Build Up

Start from the beginning

"Time to get back in your cage, pretty bird," Illius mocked as he pulled the orb from his pocket, popping the case off he whispered, "Ritorno." He breathed onto the orb's cool surface.

Cael's sad eyes fell on Ava's small form, "Until I see you again," He breathed and a blue tendril of light reached out from the orb, wrapping around his legs and swirling around him until it formed a tornado of light and suddenly, he was gone.

Illius sighed, relieved and tucked the orb back into his pocket. He slipped his arms under Ava and lifted her from the ground. He gazed down at her, "You'll never have to know that aggravating angel, not as long as I'm around and I don't plan on going anywhere."


"Are the goblins prepared?" Morana inquired, her voice reverberating off the high, icy walls as she approached Luis and the sins with a fast paced stride.

"They're ready," Luis gave a strong nod.

Morana's eyes met his and they visibly softened. She quickly tore her gaze from him before anyone noticed her obvious fondness of the human, "Good. Pride, you will lead as second in command of the army under Luis, do you understand?"

"Yes, my queen," Preston lowered his gaze, bowing his head. This was not something he had signed up for. He was only here because of Envy. The sins had been bonded as if they were brothers and that kind of companionship was not easily forgotten, nor broken; but could he really do what she was asking of him, of all of them?

"Wrath," Her amethyst eyes flicked towards the fiery, red haired sin, "Give no mercy."

"I know no mercy, my queen," A sinister smirk curled over Wrath's thin lips.

"As for the rest of you," She raised her gaze, straightening her back, "If you even think about rebelling against me, you can expect a very excruciatingly painful, eternal torment and I won't be the one to inflict it upon you. They will," She turned to face seven shadowy figures that floated into the room, their red eyes trained on the sins.

Luis stood with wide eyes, unable to look away from their hypnotizing glares. The sins had paled, and for the first time, Luis found fear behind their eyes.

"The Darklings," Lust breathed.

Eric was the first to his knees, "We are your servants." He submissively said.

"We don't need servants," The largest Darkling growled, his misty form shifting before them, "We need warriors! Ruthless and cruel, weakness will not be tolerated." Envy moved to his feet, his head bowed, the Darkling reached out, pressing his finger harshly under Eric's chin, raising his head so that his eyes locked with the red ones of the Darkling. Envy grimaced in pain as the skin where the Darkling touched stung, the feeling of ice seeping into his jaw, "You are blinded by your desire for revenge. Get rid of it, or we will get rid of it for you, it makes you weak." He spat the last word. His finger slipped from the sin's jaw, revealing a patch of ice that slowly faded, leaving his skin pink, "Revenge leads to rash decisions and rash decisions will make a clear path for our defeat." The Darkling's red eyes fell on Pride, "I was once like you. Full of Pride, the sin ran through my veins just as it does yours. Yes, we were all once sins, but that was a very long time ago. The Dark Prince blamed us for events that were completely out of our hands and stripped us of our wings." He turned on Eric, the Darkling's face leering towards Envy's, "So do not think you are in worse condition. If you were strong enough, you would lift those wings for me, regardless of the pain." He growled in a low voice that rumbled through the massive room, "Lift them." He commanded.

Envy swallowed hard and focused on the muscles of his back, they ached. He struggled to get them to move, to flex and pull, to lift his broken wings. He strained with all he had, letting out a cry as a rush of pain ran up his spine and he fell to his knees, panting, "I can't." He shook his head.

Forever Entranced ~Book Two Of The Soul Bound SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now