28 // Fortune Game

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This game is also called Tsuji-ura, or Crossroads Fortune-Telling. In Europe, it's called Crossroads Divination.

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•You take a comb and go to a crossroads in the evening, after dark.

•Sound the comb three times by drawing your finger along the teeth of the comb. Chant the follow three times: "Tsuji-ura, Tsuji-ura, grant me a true response!"

•You wait for a stranger to pass by. It must be a stranger, it cannot be someone that you know. When you see the stranger approaching, cover your face with something. A book, a newspaper or a bag will do. If there are other people with you, try must covered their faces too.

•Ask the stranger to tell you your fortune. If the stranger doesn't answer or refuses to tell you, then you have to wait for another stranger to pass by.

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INTERESTING FACT: The game of Tsuji-ura became so popular that the Japanese produced little cracker with fortunes inside, written on paper. These cakes were called "Tsuji-ura Senbai," which means "Crossroads Fortune-Telling Crackers". Years later, in America, after the war, Chinese restaurants adopted these Japanese crackers and named them Fortune Cookies. So when you eat a fortune cookie in a Chinese restaurant, it comes directly from this old Japanese fortune-telling ritual.

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