45 // How To Become A Werewolf

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This ritual involved conjuring up an evil spirit which is done by a complex ceremony, using a magic circle, a fire, an incantation, application of magical ointment to the nude body, and wearing a wolfskin belt.

In order to turn yourself into a werewolf, you must be a believer in supernatural and paranormal phenomenon!

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• On a night when the moon is new and strong, go to an unhabitable place, like a forest, a mountain top, or a desert.

• On a perfectly level piece of ground, draw a circle with a radius of 7 feet or more. Inside this circle, draw another circle with a radius of 3 feet or more.

• Standing inside the smaller circle, build a fire and boil some water in iron pot.

• When the water comes to a boil, throw any of the following ingredients into the pot: Asafetida, Parsley, Opium, Hemlock, Henbane, Saffron, Poppy Seeds, and Solanium.
- (WARNING: Some of the plants mentioned are EXTREMELY poisonous and can cause cardiac arrest or sudden death.)

• Repeat the following chant:
"Wolves, Vampires, Satyrs, Ghosts,
Elect of all the devilish hosts,
I pray you send hither, send hither, send hither
The great grey shape that makes me shiver."

• Take the fat of an animal that had recently been killed and mix it with Aniseed, Camphor, and Opium. Take off your clothes and smear this mixture all over your body.

• Tie a girdle made of wolfskin around your waist. (Some sources say you can use a belt made of human skin, preferably from a criminal executed on the gibbet.)

• Kneel in the larger circle and chant:
"Shiver! Shiver! Shiver! Come! Come! Come!"

• Wait until the fire burns blue and "the great unseen power" appears. (This is an evil spirit, possibly the devil himself.) You will be transformed into a werewolf.

• To change back to human form, simply remove the wolfskin belt.

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Here are some easier ways to become a werewolf:
1. Get bitten by a werewolf.
2. Be born to parents who are werewolves.
3. Eat the brains of a wolf.
4. Drink water from a wolf's paw print.
5. Drink water from a river or stream where three or more wolves have previously taken a drink.

To change back to human form, immerse yourself in running water.

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