Part 7, conversation of love and hate

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Kili's POV

I wake up by someone knocking on the door, "Kili, Elene! We're leaving!" I look at Elene who is still asleep. I step out of bed, I almost reach the door when I realize I'm still naked so I put my pants on. I open up the door, "Yes?" Ori is standing in the hallway. "We are leaving, Thorin thought you wanted to know, Kili." "Thank you Ori." I want to close the door, "I guess you had a romantic night." He says, I smile at the thought of yesterday night. "Yes, I had a very romantic night, now if you will excuse me, I need to wake up Elene who is still asleep." I gesture to the bed, where Elene is, what he can't see. "Oh okay, I'll see you two outside." Ori walks away, I walk to Elene. Who is still asleep. I kiss her on her cheek.

"Good morning Mrs. Arkin." I whisper in her ear, "The dwarfs are leaving. They are waiting for us." I kiss her and then give her her clothes. She smiles and puts them on, "Where are they waiting?" "Somewhere, outside I think." I smile at her, she smiles back. She walks to the mirror and starts braiding her hair. "Can I do it?" "Sure." I braid her hair in one big braid. When I'm finished braiding I kiss her softly. "You look so wonderfull in your dress. I love your hair like that." I say, she smiles. "We should worry about nothing. 'Cause we have the fire and we're burning one hell of a something." She says to me, I lean to her and kiss her again.

Elene's POV

He kisses me again, and I can't get enough from him. I pull him down, making me laying on the bed again. "Elene.." He mumbels, "We really have to go.." "In a minute.." I whisper, I kiss him again. Then someone knocks on the door. "Kili and Elene for Durins sake!! Stop kissing and come here!!" I regonize my father's voice. "Damn.." I whisper, Kili and I get up. I smile at him, he just gives me one of his playful grins. We grab our bags, I left a note saying: "I'd like to come back later and pick up my dress." I hope I can pick it up later.

I open up the door, my father is standing in the hallway looking at me furious. "Hi dad!" I say happy. "I get it that you are married and that you love each other. But you let the whole company waiting, just because you wanted to kiss him!!" "Dad, sorry I thought we had some time left so-" "No excuses Elene!" "Uncle, this isn't her fault!" Says Kili desparate. "Lets go." Is the only thing my dad says. "Yes father." I say following him down the hall. Fili starts claiming Kili, and I give them some space. Then Ori starts walking next to me.

"Was it romantic yesterday night?" He asks, I smile, "Yes, very." "I have a question, what do girls want to hear when a man asks her to marry him?" "Romance. Why? Did you found yourself a lovely lass Ori?" "Well her name is Hanna.." He starts blushing, "Go on." I say to him, his cheeks turn even more red. "She is a dwarf, strawberry blond hair. She is a skilled sword fighter. I just love the way her hair goes as she fights and her eyes, they are so blue! They look like stars that fell out of heaven. She herself is an angel."

"Does she like you back?" "What?" "Well you were talking about marrying her so I don't know." "Even if I would ask her she'd probably say no. Great fighters like Fili also like her. She would never like me.." He says sad, I feel sorry for him. "You know Ori, behind a stone there lies courage but you just need the guts to look behind the rock and find that courage." "Are saying I should ask her?" "Not yet, you should start with having a conversation with her. Let her know what a lovely guy you are."

"Do you think that will help?" "Yes." I say with a kind smile, "And you just have to be yourself. Not only the great warriors win the girl." "But Kili won you!" "But he was the only one who liked me, so that is logical." "No, he wasn't. There is someone else in the company who loves you, and it is not your father." I look at the dwarfes walking infront of us. "Who is it then?" "I can't tell you." Says Ori serious, I smile.

"Please???" I ask, "Okay okay..." He sighs. "It's Dwalin." What?! Dwalin loves me? This is insane. And crazy. "Why didn't he told me?" I look at Dwalin who walks up front. "He knew you loved Kili. Your father knew that he liked you." "And he let me marry Kili? But why-" "Dwalin was too old for you they said." "Ori, you've been eavesdropping, don't you?" Hi face turns red, "I didn't meant to! It happend!" "Oh Ori, you can't tell anyone, okay?" "Yes Elene."

"Kili?!" I yell, he walks to me. "What is it dearest?" He says and kisses me. "I heard something that I think you must know too." "Okay, what is it?" He wraps his arm around my waist. "Not here. We have to walk at the end." We hold our walk in, and then walk at the end of the pack. "Somebody else in the company loves me the way you do." His eyes grow wide, "Who?" "Dwalin." I say with a sigh. "What?! He'll pay for this!" "Kili no!" I stop him from walking to Dwalin. "He doesn't know that I know. He thinks that only my dad knows." "Your dad, knew about this?" "Yes." "And he choose me, to be your husband, and not even one of his best friends?!" I chuckle, "He thought that Dwalin was too old for me!" He laughs, when some dwarves look at us he stops. "Well I am just so handsome, everybody loves me." "I'm afraid that's right." I say with a smile, he smiles too and leans forward to kiss me. His soft lips find mine for a moment, but we are stopped again by my father. "Elene! Come here I want to speak to you!"

"Yes father." I walk to him, "What is wrong?" I ask, "You two are becoming a burden to us. Or you stop falling behind, or you two leave." "Dad! I am married to him! I have the right to kiss him!" "You do not have the right to be a burden to the company and me." "Father, please, can you just listen!" "No Elene! You need to listen! You two are driving the whole company crazy! Almost no one here is married, and if they are they miss their wifes, their children. So you should stop!" "You're right! I should! I am stopping! I am returning to Rivendell! I am sick of you telling me what I can do and what I can't do! I want to kiss my husband witgout getting stopped by my father!!" "Well you can't because Kili is staying here! With us!" "Fine!" I yell to my father. "Fine!" Yells my father back. I walk away furious, "Sorry Kili, but I can't do this anymore!" I say to him with tears in my eyes. "Elene!" I hear him yell, when I walk away. But I don't turn back. My father has crossed the line.

I return to Rivendell, lord Elrond is waitin for me at the gate. "I saw you return, what is wrong?" "My dad has crossed the line, can I stay here for a few days?" "Sure, your room is still free. You can stay there." "Thank you, Lord Elrond." I bow light, but I feel sick. "I don't feel so good." I say, after I said those words. I faint, I fall on the cold hard ground. I hear Lord Elrond saying my name, and calling the guards. But darkness takes over.


Dun dun dun!

Well that worked out fine, a shame that she had to leave Kili behind tho. But they will re-unite again, I hope, I think. Okay nevermind.

Well I got a pretty good idea for the ending. Not sure if you guys will like it!

And who discovered the song lycris?! If you know which song it was tell me in the comments!

So what do think that is happening to Elene? Maybe an Orc poisened her or something >:)

Well this was a pretty fun chapter to write, Ori is so cute! And what do you think of Dwalin loving her? TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS!

Love Yenessa

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