Part 4, The hunting begins

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"What on earth are you doing here." Says Gandalf in a stern voice, I honestly thought they were best friends or something so the stern voice was a real turning point for me. "I was looking for you Gandalf, something's wrong. Something's terribly wrong."

"Yes...?" Asks Gandalf, urging him to go on with the story. Radagast looks like he forgot what he was talking about for a second and then he sighs softly. "Just in a minute.....Owh..."

"I think he forgot." I whisper to Kili, who chuckles. Gandalf takes Radagast to a place where they can talk, alone. "Elene, can I talk to you?" Asks my father, "Of course dad," "I want you to go back, the Trolls were too dangerous, if it wasn't for Kili, I could've lost you." I stare at him, blinking twice to see if he's serious.

"No. I am not going back. Please dad! Try to understand! I haven't even told you the news-" "What news?" Oh great, why did I say that... "I am, ehh, yeah so ehhh, Kili, and I are, ehhh, we, ehh, are,"

"Engaged." I hear Kili say behind me, "I asked her a month ago, before we started this mission, she was scared to tell you uncle," "Elene, why didn't you tell me this before?" "I didn't think you would approve, because-"

"Of course I would! I am so happy for my little girl!" "Really dad?" "Yes." He hugs me, "You've grown up so fast, I love you so much Elene." "I love you too, dad."

"Now Kili, we have to talk about this." He takes Kili to a more secluded place where they can talk freelyl. I see Kili nodding and my dad saying things to him, which he's not looking to happy about. But when he rests his hand on Kili's shoulder and smiles at him, I know in my gut that it's all gonna be okay.

"So congratulations! Sister in law." Says Fili, "Hey, we're not married yet!" "Not yet but almost!" He says, giving me a smirk. I shake my head, he's so stubborn.

After a few more minutes pass we suddenly hear the sound of a wolf crying out. But it's not a wolf, it's a warg.

In just a few seconds time I see a warg running towards my dad, "Dad! Look out!" I grab my bow and arrow and shoot at the warg, defending my father.

It falls on the ground but it's not dead yet, Dwalin kills it for me by plantig his sword deep into his head. "Warg scouts, which means an orc pack is never far behind." Says my father,

"Orc pack?" Says Bilbo, guess he never knew that even existed. "Who did you tell about your quest?!" Asks Gandalf, "No one." Says my father, "Who did you tell?!" Says Gandalf louder,

"No one, I swear!" "He's right! My father is right we never told anyone." "What in Durin's name is going on?!" Asks Thorin to Gandalf, "You're being hunted." Says Gandalf,

"We have to get out of here." Says Dwalin, "We can't, we have no ponies," Says Nori, bravely defending his pony. "Oh my, this isn't going anywhere!" I say, shaking my head.

"I'll draw them off." Says Radagast. Then they are talking about his bunnies, I mean hello people an real life actual problem going on here!

"I'd like to see them try."

Okay, so they decided to let an old man on a rabbit sled draw the orcs off, who have wargs and weapons. Whilst that old man has nothing!

Sometimes I really doubt how sane we are. I glance at Radagast, wow those bunnies are pretty fast indeed. "Come on." Says Gandalf. We run to the other direction, while Radagast leads them the other way.

"Stay together." Says Gandalf, we run away from the orcs. Again. This can go on forever! "Where are you leading us?" Asks my father to Gandalf, who just avoides his eyes. Then an orc notices us, and heads towards us.

My father gestures to Kili, that he can shoot it. Kili grabs an arrow and quickly shoots at the warg. They roll near to us, I quickly shoot the orc in it's chest. But it gives some loud cries before it really dies. Then we hear the wargs howl, damn they discovered us.

We run away quickly, "There they are!" Says someone, I look at the horizon, wargs are coming to us. "This way! Quickly!" We run again, "There's more coming!" Screams Kili, "Kili!" I hear my father yell. "Shoot them!" I want to grab my bow. But my father stops me. "Not you, it's way too dangerous."

"This way you fools." says Gandalf while he's standing in a cave. "Follow him, all of you! Elene, go on!" "No! Kili! I won't go without him!" Kili is still shooting at orcs, "Kili!" I yell, he turns around and runs to me,

"You should've went down already!" We slide down the cave. He grabs my hand, "Don't ever scare me like that again." Then we hear a horn blowing, elves. We hear the sound of dying Orcs outside. Then a dead Orc rolls into the cave. My father looks at the arrow sticking out of it's neck.

"Elves." He says full of disgust. "There's a path here but we can't see where it leads to, what do we do?" Someone says, "Follow it of course!" Says someone else, we all follow the path. Then the path ends. Rivendell. It is beautiful. So beautiful. My father steps to Gandaf furious. They have a conversation, I can't keep my eyes off of Rivendell, it is so marvelous.

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