Part 3, Trolls

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We're riding in the rain on our ponies and nobody is talking. Pretty logical woth this kind of weather, it's simply depressing.

I glance over at Kili, giving him a quick smile which he returns with joy. I know he hates this weather just as much as I do and he'd prefer to be in his cabin eating some soup his ma made.

"Eh, master Gandalf? You can do something about this, can't you?!" Yells Dori, while holding his head up, meaning that Gandalf could stop the rain. "It is raining, master dwarf," Wow like we didn't figure that one out yet.

I dig my heels into my ponies side to catch up the tempo and ride next to my dad. "So dad, I am old enough to make my own decisions, aren't I?"

"Yes you are, if it doesn't include something dangerous, then no." "So, I can make my own decisions if it doesn't include something dangerous?" I tilt my head and flash him an innocent smile,

"Yes, you can, why this sudden interrogation? " "Oh, I was just wondering," A bad lie, a very bad loe, but he'll find out the truth soon enough.

"Okay, now I think Kili's anxious for your return to his side." He says with a smile, "Thank you pa."

Once I'm riding beside Kili I gove him the good new, "So my father says I'm wise enough to make my own decisions."

"He does?" Says Kili with a cute smile, "Yes, he does, I'm very scared for tonight Kili, what if they send us back? What if they send me back?" I whisper, "They won't, I promise." He grabs my hand, to comfort me, which he does. He always does.

We make camp at a spot with some abandoned houses. Bilbo had cooked a lovely dinner, and Nori handed me a bowl of soup.

"Thank you Nori." I say with a kind smile, "Is there someone who would like to bring this to Fili and Kili?" "I'll bring it." I say swiftly,

"Okay, Bilbo go with her, to make sure to keep her out of trouble!" Says Nori, I walk to him and hit him on the shoulder. "Shut up, Nori, I beat you in swordfighting when I was a wee lass. Now give me the damn soup."

He hands the soup over to me, muttering some complains. "Come on Bilbo." I say harshly, sometimes I hate it being the only girl, but yeah.. You can't have everything in the world!

We walk to the place where Fili and Kili are, Bilbo keeps making jokes leading to me laughing very loudly.

"Hush!" Says Fili, "What's wrong?" I say while kneeling down next to Kili. "We supposed to be looking out for the ponies." Says Kili staring to the ponies, "Only we've encountered a small problem. We had sixteen. Now there's fourteen."

"Oh uh." I say soft, we walk to the place where the ponies were tied up. "Well that's not good." Says Bilbo with a chuckle. "And that is not good at all." He says when he sees a tree pulled out from the ground, roots and all. "Should we tell Thorin?!" "No!" I say quickly, but what I didn't notice is that Kili and I said it the same time.

"Maybe the ponies just wandered off, we don't want him to worry about nothing."

"There is a light!" Fili says pointing at, yes indeed, a light. We hear a low laugh. "What is it?" Asks Bilbo, "Trolls." I look at Kili, who kisses me quickly.

"I love you, now stay here." They run to the direction of the light, after a few seconds I can't possibly listen to them and run after them.

I see them pushing Bilbo to the direction of the troll, and they're running off into another direction. I follow them slowly. They're watching Bilbo, who is trying to free the horses without making a sound.

Then I hear Kili whisper something, "They got him! What do we do now?!" "Attack of course!!" Whispers Fili to him. After they said that Kili runs out of their hiding place and cuts the leg of the troll who's holding Bilbo.

These boys definitely don't think before doing something.

"Drop him!" He yells, "I said drop him!" He says, with a sterner voice. The troll looks Kili dead in the eye and then throws Bilbo right on top of him. "Kili!" I yell, I grab my bow and shoot the troll that threw Bilbo on Kili.

Then the whole company appears out of the buses, yelling. They start chopping into the trolls, "Elene!" Yells Kili, I run to him and embrace him tightly.

"Kili! Are you alright?!" "Leave Elene! Climb into a tree or something, make sure they don't see you!"

"But Kili!" "Elene, do it now!" I run to the nearest tree and climb high into it. Then the trolls have Bilbo. "Oh no." I can't hear what they are saying but I do know, if they fight the trolls will kill Bilbo.

The trolls keep on piling wood onto the fire. Everyone is tied up to a rotating log, which, if the fire gets hot enough, will roast them.

Thank God that Kili is not yet tied up to the log. Soon the trolls start arguing over something and, what, Bilbo? Never thought he would be so brave as to stand up to the trolls.

Then I spot Gandalf making his way up the rocks, finally! He splits the rocks and the trolls turn into stone as dawn creeps over the rocks.

Everyone laughs and cheers as we get to survive another day. I climb down the tree whilst getting mpre and more frustrated every second. I run towards Kili who's getting out of his ropes,

"Kili!" I yell, "Elene! My love." He hugs me, and kisses my forehead. "Don't ever ask that from me again. If Gandalf would've come later I would already have come down."

"I'm so sorry, but I didn't want to have you killed, or worse, eaten." I laugh, "I can take care of myself, you know."

"I noticed that, and I love you." He says whilst kissing me again, "I love you too." We end up kissing each other again, more careful this time. Almost as if he was afraid to break me.

"Lads, come on they found a cave!"

We walk into a dark cave, it is pretty scary, but with Kili close to me I'm not scared. There are many treasures in the cave, Kili opens up a treasure box. "Hey Elene, come." I come to him, "What is it?" He smiles while he opens his hand.

"Wedding rings, elvish made I guess." My eyes light up, "We can use this! If we get married!" I lower my voice when I notice I talk to hard.

"We should keep them." I whisper, "Sure, I'll keep them in my pocket." Says Kili with a smile, we walk out of the cave. I can't hide the smile on my face, until we hear ruffled noises coming from the forest.

"Something's coming!" I hear someone yell, I stick close to Kili. Then rabbits show up out of the bushes, they're pulling a sled, with a man on top of it who looks slightly confused. "Radagast!"

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