♡ 04

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Y/N's Pov

We're still at the school clinic, it was a awckward silent but suddenly Jeongin broke it by saying: "let's eat lunch?"

I nodded and we started to stood up but i fell, "oh, why am i falling?" I asked looking up at Jeongin.

"Maybe, beacuse youre still weak from the punch of Seoyoung. Are you that hungry?" He asked thinking, i nodded.

"Arraseo." He said, sitted on his foot in my front while patting his back, "piggy back ride?" I asked, he nodded giggling. I smiled.

I jumped on his back and he stood up, i wrapped my arms on his neck as he carried me by the legs so i won't fall.

"Ready?" He asked smilling, i smiled brightly and hummed as a respond. He walked to the door of the clinic and bringed us outside, "broom, broom!" He said making me laugh and he started to run laughing lightly to the cafeteria, i laughed with him.


We entered the canteen and all eyes stared at us, he just ignored the staring and gossiping and walked towards they're always table.

He placed me down beside Changbin oppa, and he sat beside him.

"Omo, Y/N, are you okay?! Who punched you and pulled your hair huh!? Tell me!" Changbin oppa yelled in anger.

"Calm down, opaa. I'm fine." I smiled, "are you sure? I'll punch the-"

"Im fine changbin."


I walked inside our classroom and looked at the board, 'Clean Duty : Seo Y/N'

"Aish, jinja!?" I yelled, "yah! Keep it down!" Someone yelled, "mianhe." I apologized. I walked to my seat and sitted.

"Yah, you loser. Who do you think you are? Dating Jeongin? Ugh. How does he even like you? Ew." The girl infront of me rolled her eyes "who's the loser?"

I looked behind and saw Jeongin.

"The only one loser i know is you." He said sarcasticlly sitting beside me.

"S-sorry, Jeongin.." she turned around, i looked at Jeongin with a smile, "gomawo" i whispered. "You're welcome." He said and smiled and winked making me blush.


Jeongin's Pov

It was time to go home, i walked to my locker and opened it. I felt sad since i didn't got a letter. I pouted. I putted my textbooks in and closed my locker.

I walked to the halls going outside the school, suddenly, i reached the classroom of ours and saw Y/N cleaning my desk, she putted her hair up in a messy bun. I smiled.

I leaned to the door frame and watched her, she wiped my desk with a towel, she wiped her sweat from her forehead and started cleaning again.

Y/N's Pov

I was wipeng and cleaning Jeongin's desk, suddenly a hand connected onto the hand i was using to wipe jeongin's desk. I looked up and met Jeongin's eyes, he was sOoOoO close to me, our faces were like inches away.

"Cleaning my desk huh?" He said softly looking at my lips, i shook my head. And he stepped back, "y-yeah." I stuttered, "mind if i help you?"

I nodded and smiled.

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